SVN 2815 : Change hostname
[quote=“2cool4me4, post: 40028, member: 25120”]You want the FOG service to be set to Automatic (Delayed)?[/quote]
I set the FOG service to delayed startup. Still the same issue. On a a system with an incorrect hostname, the hostname will not change. This is ONLY if the client is set to be joined to AD.
[CODE] 12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to connect to fog server…
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Module is active…
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::UserTracker Module is active…
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::PrinterManager Module is active…
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Could not find any recognizable digits.
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::PrinterManager Starting printer manager…
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::PrinterManager Yielding to other services for 36 seconds.
12/16/2014 12:49 PM FOG::HostnameChanger at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToByte(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.hexToByte(String hex)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.decryptHex(String hex)
at FOG.HostNameChanger.changeHostName()[/CODE] -
Now fixing…Tom and his syntax errors.
update to 2816 and all should be fixed. -
No dice. But the error is different now.
[CODE] 12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot No job exists for (There’s no reason to remove this)
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot No task found for client.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToByte(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.hexToByte(String hex)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.decryptHex(String hex)
at FOG.HostNameChanger.changeHostName()[/CODE] -
It’s now OK for me since latest SVN.
Ch3i. -
[quote=“2cool4me4, post: 40037, member: 25120”]No dice. But the error is different now.
[CODE] 12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot No job exists for (There’s no reason to remove this)
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot No task found for client.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
12/16/2014 4:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToByte(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.hexToByte(String hex)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.decryptHex(String hex)
at FOG.HostNameChanger.changeHostName()[/CODE][/quote]When you encrypted your AD Password with FOGCrypt, did you copy and paste the encrypted string in the ADPass field?
Yes. This worked at one point. I’ll try to re-encrypt the password, though.
Ah, I see. No matter what I put in the FOG_AD_DEFAULT_PASSWORD field, it changes back to what I had before.
Here’s the apache error that occurs when I try to change it:
[CODE][Wed Dec 17 11:52:15 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): The IV parameter must be as long as the blocksize in /var/www/fog/lib/fog/FOGBase.class.php on line 268, referer: http://fogserver/fog/management/index.php?node=about&sub=settings
[/CODE] -
Can you turn of FOG_AES_ENCRYPT from FOG Configuration->FOG Settings->FOG Service?
That wasn’t turned on, but FOG_NEW_CLIENT was. Must have been a test I forgot to change back.
Thanks, everyone!