FOG 0.33 - What's coming?
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Please make a thread for feature requests…
I was wondering when Version .033 Will make it debut?:D
There is no official release date. The code is coming along but many things have changed and need to be tested. If you can download the svn codebase and begin testing and reporting bugs, there is a thread in the developers forum area. Read it first so you know what’s already been reported and what needs testing.
I just registered to say that all of us here at Mars Area School District are super appreciative of what you guys do. I’m excited for 0.33, 0.32 has been serving us well for quite some time now.
What about adding the ability to have fog change its IP address once it is cloned, and added to the domain, and snap-ins deployed? We have several locations on a WAN and don’t want it talking back to us.
Feature Requests is THAT WAY -----> [url][/url]
I’d really like to thank all the hard working people for making this project possible. 4-5 months ago I wasn’t even aware of its awesome features, power and efficiency in what it does… I was happily using clonezilla server. When I decided I’d take a look at Fog though, I totally wrote off clonezilla server and jumped straight to Fog. Its AWESOME! Really is.
I do wonder one thing though. Has the screen resolution feature problem been resolved? I dont know if it is a problem on XP but it doesn’t work for me in 7. Its a minor issue anyhow as I have a snapin that fixes the issue.
I’m literally quite excited at the thought of a new version to test out though… I guess thats when you know your a geek… when the thought of software you like having a new version number in front of it makes you excited!
[quote=“Blackout, post: 4686, member: 1”]
Right now I’m doing a lot of testing to get it all working - this eats up a lot of time waiting for Windows in VM on my slow ass workstation
[/quote]This is CRAAAAAAAP. FOG is open source. You have a community. Testing shouldn’t be on you, you do enough. You have a hit list you want tested?
I work for a forensics company and we have a server farm and tons of client machines. Considering the alternative, FOG has saved us a lot of money. (And hassle.) I’ve been using Fog for about a year with no issues, but I understand my usage is not the same as everyone else.
There’s so many times I’ve looked at Open projects and the devs are getting burnt out because people act like the seagulls from Finding Nemo. (I’m not saying you are burning out.)
This project is great and at this point you should be swamped with logically and concisely written report from beta testers.
Lean on us if you need it.
[quote=“moparpogue, post: 8921, member: 2602”]This is CRAAAAAAAP. FOG is open source. You have a community. Testing shouldn’t be on you, you do enough. You have a hit list you want tested?
I work for a forensics company and we have a server farm and tons of client machines. Considering the alternative, FOG has saved us a lot of money. (And hassle.) I’ve been using Fog for about a year with no issues, but I understand my usage is not the same as everyone else.
There’s so many times I’ve looked at Open projects and the devs are getting burnt out because people act like the seagulls from Finding Nemo. (I’m not saying you are burning out.)
This project is great and at this point you should be swamped with logically and concisely written report from beta testers.
Lean on us if you need it.[/quote]
I agree i’m in…i have a few test machines
Hello, we want to reinstall our server Fog but we wanted to take the latest version. Do you have any idea of the release date of the 0.33?
Thank you in advance. -
The testing thread is [url][/url]. Feel free to jump in and give a hand, just make sure you’re not cluttering up the thread with useless questions (search before you ask).
As for a release date… when it’s ready. I know that’s not the answer most people are looking for, but it’s the truth. There are three FOG developers, each with real jobs that keep them busy. If more people help with testing then the devs can spend less of their own time tracking down bugs and more time fixing them.
[quote=“Blackout, post: 4686, member: 1”]Any in particular?
Most of the core basic functions work (imaging etc) for all O/Ses with the exception of NTFS Re-sizable partitions.
With the latest updates (about a week ago, all in init.gz) these options work as intended, but there are still some bugs to work out with advanced format drives.
Right now I’m doing a lot of testing to get it all working - this eats up a lot of time waiting for Windows in VM on my slow ass workstation
Various GUIs need their POST save functions ported from the old code. i.e. FOG Configuration page
I’ve devoted today to FOG dev, we will see what happens :)[/quote]
I know how it is…You rock sir, thanks for replying
Any chance their may be support for Windows 8?
Windows 8 support is being tested.
[quote=“BryceZ, post: 9257, member: 2”]Windows 8 support is being tested.[/quote]
I hope this helps the progress. I set up a virtual machine running Windows 8 Enterprise with a single partition and uploaded it to FOG. I ran the fogprep exe which I had to modify because it does not support Windows 8 (I just commented where you check to make sure the machine is running Windows 7 because the registry keys being modified are exactly the same in Windowsand I ran sysprep with my unattended xml answer file. When I tried to download the image to another machine, I received an error at boot saying “Booting… Missing Operating System”. I dug into the fog source code with my boss and discovered that the issue that there is a method that checks the os and applies one of several mbr files that you have. Because Windows 8 is not supported and I selected Windows 7 as the host os on the fog web interface, it wrote the wrong mbr to the machine. After we copied the correct mbr and wrote it to the machine, it booted correctly. There still is a problem, however. The hard drive was not resized properly to the size of the new machine it was being imaged to. The new machine is showing only ~40GB which was the size of the actual fog image. Also, I am not sure that the fog client is working properly. It has not rebooted the machine yet to change the name and add it to the active directory.
Thanks Jesus, the more testing the better. The thread for beta testing 0.33 is [url][/url], feel free to document your test results there.
Hi everyone,
First of all, thanks to all the developers who do such an awesome job.
My question is if auto-register from the client installation is going to be included in the new version. It was included in 0.28 and before, but for some reason exluded in versions 0.29 and after. I find it highly useful now that we are going to massively deploy clients in our institution.I am looking forward to seeing this new version! You are the greatest!
Hi, 1st off id like to say FOG is a brilliant solution, ive imaged about 600 PCs/Laptops so far, its massively amazing! this may have been asked many times and may be in other posts, so im sorry if thats the case, just wondering if there is any updates on the release of .33?