FOG Client sometimes doesn't work
@joe-schmitt That post is #wiki worthy. Client debugging steps.
{ "autologout":{ "error":"time" }, "displaymanager":{ "error":"ng" }, "hostnamechanger":{ "enforce":false, "hostname":"TECH_5318_01", "AD":false, "ADDom":"", "ADOU":"", "ADUser":"", "ADPass":"" }, "powermanagement":{ "onDemand":"shutdown", "tasks":[] }, "printermanager":{ "error":"np", "mode":0, "allPrinters":[], "default":"", "printers":[] }, "snapinclient":{ "error":"ns" }, "taskreboot":{ "job":false }, "usertracker":{ "":"" } }
@tesparza well that certainly looks correct. I’ll try and reproduce the issue and get back to you.
@joe-schmitt Okay thank you. I saw On Demand shutdown but in previous times it wouldnt do that. Do I have to reset encryption data before or after doing an ondemand shutdown or even snapins
@tesparza No, you should not have to do reset encryption data, unless the host gets out of wack for the security token (such is the case when @Joe-Schmitt had you reset data for using the debugger, and when you stop using the debugger and go back to using the regular client). (Some other cases have occurred that may require this action as well, but this is not a “normal” action that needs to be performed).
@tesparza nope! Basically, the client works by “locking” into the server. Once the client is locked in, no other program or computer can easily pretend to be that client. “Reset encryption data” removes the lock, and allows a new program to “lock in”.
So what I had you do was allow the Debugger to “lock in”, or become the FOG Client from the server’s perspective.
@tesparza Just a heads up, it may be a few days before I can get to this. I’m currently tracking down a severe bug on Windows 1709:
@tesparza I have been unable to reproduce this with 0.11.12. Are you still having the issue?
@joe-schmitt sorry I didn’t check my notification until today. It hasn’t happened anymore I think the problem was that i was resetting the encryption data every time i did something new because a friend told me he did it like that but turns out I didn’t have too. Thanks for trying it out. Sorry I made you search a dead end
@tesparza well that would certainty do it.
Reset Encryption Data
is generally not advised to be done unless you specially do something to the client that would require it.