FOG Multicast doesn't work
@fry_p said in FOG Multicast doesn't work:
Just as a quick workaround while the others look at this, with the cost of slower deployment, the default number of simultaneous Unicast sessions is 10 for FOG. This means you can normally image up to 10 (or more if you change the default setting) PC’s at the same time. The rest will automatically queue up and jump on as others finish. My rule of thumb is it isn’t worth multicasting if there are less than say 30 PC’s that need imaged at once. The downside is that of course performance is impacted in the speed of deployment. Just thinking out loud.
Hello @fry_p
I dont understand what you want to say mei’m currently just testing FOG multicast, and i think if it doesn’t work with 2 hosts, it will don’t work with more
which fog version do you use? i had similar problems (see: Do you have all the log files in /opt/fog/log? -
@arnaudrigole He’s saying that if you have less than 30 computers to image simultaneously you could use the normal way of deployment with Quick image for example in the mean time.
Could you tell us what OS FOG is running on? And which revision you’re at? (number in the cloud on the WebGUI)
- Multicast service running on the FOG server?
ps ax | grep FOGMulti
- udp-sender running on the FOG server (while you have the clients waiting on the blue screens)?
ps ax | grep udp
- Anything useful in the multicast.log (web gui -> FOG Configuration -> Log viewer)?
- Multicast service running on the FOG server?
Just throwing these links out there if it might help. -
@arnaudrigole I was under the impression that this was a production environment. I merely was suggesting and giving advice. I’m sure these other fellows can help with multicast.
I had the same problem,and found the solution in that post Tom gave the advice to remove the directory /opt/fog and start the installer again (./installfog)
Is it possible to upload 5+ PCs simultanesouly with unicast deployment?@gerald-stachl
I use version 1.3 of FOG@Sebastian-Roth
I’ll watch the logs, see below the processes:
Lets try to read and understand that procedures ^^ -
@arnaudrigole It’s possible, there’s a sweet spot somewhere after which you’ll experience slower deploy speeds (although arguably they might still be faster than multicast). What that sweet spot is depends on your hardware and network setup.
5 clients simultaneously with unicast should not cause any issues though.
Also, if you’ve registered your client devices, then you can limit the number of devices that can download the image from the server at any one time in the Storage Node settings and let them wait in queue instead! This method used by a lot of people here.
If you’re not registering them then you can still deploy of course, but the queue won’t happen automagically.
As for your current problem, it looks like udpsender is not starting.(or perhaps you didn’t try to start multicast when you looked at the process?)
@arnaudrigole As you can see there are no
processes running. So multicast just cannot happen. Those should be started by the FOGMulticastManager service (which seems fine on your server). So please check the logs as I suggested earlier.