Utilizing Postscripts (Rename, JoinDomain, Drivers, Snapins)
Hi Lee,
Can I add in this way the unattend.xml file to the postscripts? If yes, how?
[quote=“Corneliu Mahu, post: 40382, member: 27456”]Hi Lee,
Can I add in this way the unattend.xml file to the postscripts? If yes, how?
You can use these postscripts to alter your unattend file directly.
What you need to do is know what line needs to be changed to what and make the post scripts mount the partition containing the unattend file and make the adjustments as needed.
I thought i would share my own Postdownloadscript. i have a tendency to forget to remove the fog.log file from an image before i upload it, so i made a script to delete it.
#deletes fog.log for Windows 7, 8, or 8.1
#Greg Grammon (Junkhacker)#funcs.sh allows us to use the functions that are used in the rest of
#fog i.e. “dots” and use the vars already in place i.e. “$part” and “$osid”
. /usr/share/fog/lib/funcs.sh;
if [ “$osid” == “5” ] || [ “$osid” == “6” ] || [ “$osid” == “7” ]; then
mkdir /ntfs 2>/dev/null
dots “Mounting Windows File System”;
mount.ntfs-3g $part /ntfs 2>/tmp/mntfail
if [ ! “$mntRet” = “0” ]; then
echo “Failed”;
echo “”;
echo -n " * ";
cat /tmp/mntfail
echo “”;
sleep 2;
echo “Done.”;
rm /ntfs/fog.log 2>/dev/null
echo “”;
echo “fog.log deleted”;
umount /ntfs
sleep 5;
fi[/CODE] -
This is extremely interesting! Can you explain where in the download process the fog.postdownload script is triggered?
I have created those three scripts but I cannot notice anything happening when i run a normal download to a pc but the download process keep looping! it only stops when I remove the script files from the folder…[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1791_fog.ad.txt?:”]fog.ad.txt[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1792_fog.drivers.txt?:”]fog.drivers.txt[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1793_fog.postdownload.txt?:”]fog.postdownload.txt[/url]
fog.postdownload is triggered/executed by fog.download after the pc has pulled down the image
your fog.postdownload is missing: #!/bin/sh
also you’ve changed path in fog.drivers to /images (sensible option using existing fileshare!)
but your fog.postdownload is still trying to mount /fog so you can hash out/remove that, i can’t remember without checking but /images is still mounted so don’t even need “remount” it.
Thanks, I just saw that! Sorry. I will run some more tests now
remove/hash these lines:
mkdir /fog &>/dev/null
mount -o nolock,proto=tcp $storageip:/fog/ /fog
dots “Mounting Device”; -
yeah, I was using the already mounted images folder for my drivers. I see now that those other lines are not in use either, thanks
I’m attempting to use this in our image deployment to push drivers and am having some trouble that is hopefully not difficult to overcome, I’m just not real script savvy.
I have placed my drivers in the /images/Drivers folder and my fog.postdownload is as follows:
#!/bin/sh if [ $osid == "5" -o $osid == "6" -o $osid == "7" ]; then #only handling Win7/8/8.1 clearScreen; mkdir /ntfs &>/dev/null ntfs-3g -o force,rw $part /ntfs # mkdir /fog &>/dev/null # mount -o nolock,proto=tcp $storageip:/fog/ /fog # dots "Mounting Device"; if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "Done"; . ${postdownpath}fog.drivers # . ${postdownpath}fog.ad # . ${postdownpath}fog.snapins umount /ntfs; # unmount when all is done :-) else echo "Failed To Mount Device"; sleep 30; fi fi
The computer responds with :
ntfs-3g: No mountpoint is specified
gives lots of usage instructions and options then
Failed to mount device
then restarts after about 30 seconds.
My fog.drivers file is as follows:
#!/bin/sh ceol=`tput el`; machine=`dmidecode -s system-product-name`; # Gets machine model machine="${machine%"${machine##*[![:space:]]}"}" #Removes Trailing Space #system64="/ntfs/Windows/SysWOW64/regedit.exe"; # dirty way to determine if it's 64bit or not #if [ -f "$system64" ]; then # setarch="x64" #else # setarch="x86" #fi ############################################# #this is not section necessary needed, it's just to make the path "human readable" #rather than using osid for filepath if [ $osid == "5" ]; then osn="Win7" elif [ $osid == "7" ]; then osn="Win8.1" elif [ $osid == "9" ]; then osn="Win10" fi ############################################# dots "Preparing Drivers"; # below creates local folder on imaged pc #this can be anywhere you want just remember #to make sure it matches throughout! mkdir /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; echo -n "In Progress"; #there's 3 ways you could handle this, #driver cab file, extracted driver files or both #so on the server put extracted driver files to match below folder tree #i.e. Model Latitude E5410, Windows 7 x86 image would be: #/images/Drivers/Win7/Latitude E5410/x86 rsync -aqz "/images/Drivers/$osn/${machine}/*.*" /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; #if you wanted to use driver.cab use this line below. #i.e. /images/Drivers/Win7/Latitude E5410/E5410-Win7-A07-KTT4G.CAB #cabextract -d /ntfs/Windows/DRV "/images/Drivers/$osn/${machine}"/*.CAB &>/dev/null; #if you wanted to mix both cab and extracted use these next two lines: # rsync -aqz --exclude='*.CAB' "/images/Drivers/$osn/${machine}/$setarch" /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; # cabextract -d /ntfs/Windows/DRV "/images/Drivers/$osn/${machine}"/*.CAB &>/dev/null; #this next bit adds driver location on pc to devicepath in registry (so sysprep uses it to reference) # remember to make devicepath= match the path you've used locally #also do not remove %SystemRoot%\inf #and to add more locations just use ; in between each location regfile="/ntfs/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE" key="\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath" devpath="%SystemRoot%\inf;%SystemRoot%\DRV"; reged -e "$regfile" &>/dev/null <<EOFREG ed $key $devpath q y EOFREG echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b${ceol}Done"; # this just removes "In Progress and replaces it with done :-)"
Would you be able to assist?
Gregg W. -
Hi Gregg,
What version of fog are you using?
@Lee-Rowlett Sorry,trunk version 7709 i believe
@gwhitfield as you’re using /images as your driver location you do not need to mount a share as it’s already mounted, so /fog mount is irrelevant to you. as you’re only doing one arch or having both drivers on the image, i’m assuming as you commented it out, make sure your folder layout for drivers matches this for example a Windows 7 build OptiPlex 7010 would be:
“/images/Drivers/Win7/OptiPlex 7010” and all your drivers for the 7010 would be within that folderTry these and let me know how you get on
#!/bin/bash case $osid in [5-7]|9) clearScreen getHardDisk getPartitions $hd if [[ ! -d /ntfs ]]; then mkdir -p /ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] && echo " * Failed to Mount Device" fi for part in $parts; do umount /ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1 ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile,rw $part /ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] && continue done . ${postdownpath}fog.drivers umount /fog /ntfs /images >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac
#!/bin/bash ceol=`tput el`; machine=`dmidecode -s system-product-name`; machine="${machine%"${machine##*[![:space:]]}"}" if [ $osid == "5" ]; then osn="Win7" elif [ $osid == "7" ]; then osn="Win8.1" elif [ $osid == "9" ]; then osn="Win10" fi dots "Preparing Drivers"; mkdir /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; echo -n "In Progress"; rsync -aqz "/images/Drivers/$osn/${machine}" /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; regfile="/ntfs/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE" key="\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath" devpath="%SystemRoot%\inf;%SystemRoot%\DRV"; reged -e "$regfile" &>/dev/null <<EOFREG ed $key $devpath q y EOFREG echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b${ceol}Done";
@Lee-Rowlett Seems like I’m very close. The image task completes and I get the following just before the machine restarts. Unfortunately no drivers are copied so the image fails to bootup since there’s no drivers in it:
/images/postdownloadscripts/fog.postdownload: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token '$' in\r'' 'images/postdownloadscripts/fog.postdownload: line 2: 'case $osid in * Mounting directory ............................Done * Mounting directory ............................Done * Changing hostname .............................Done * Task complete * Updating Database..............................Done * Rebooting system as task is complete Reboot: Restarting system
can you send me both your fog.postdownload and fog.drivers file and i’ll take a look - (i mean physically send, not paste the code on here :-))
@Lee-Rowlett Sure, here’s the goods:
Screenshot of folders in /images
@Lee-Rowlett Success!! Evidently my fog.postdownload and fog.drivers files got corrupted by editing in Notepad. Thank you for sending me a clean version! Working like a champ. Also for purpose of posterity or future users, the name of the folder for each individual hardware type needs to exactly match the spelling and case of the “System Product” field in the “Inventory” for that machine (or type of machine):
I gotten this to make the edits to the unattend.xml but it still doesnt join the domain. Do you have a Windows10 Unattend.xml that i can compare where I went wrong?
@Greg-Plamondon where are you calling the unattend.xml from and how are u verifying the unattend.xml is beinf edited correctly? Also are is it x86 or x64?