Mystery file C:\Program?
FOG Git version 7575 client 0.10.6
@fry_p What are the permissions, exactly? Have you tried to take ownership of the file? Have you tried cutting it and moving it? Renaming it?
@Wayne-Workman Unfortunately I have tried all that. I logged in as local and domain admin. Unable to touch it really. I can post screens of the permissions if needed.
@fry_p Can you delete it from command prompt (administrator)?
@Quazz No sir. Access denied.
@fry_p Boot to live linux and try to delete it. (not a solution for a big environment though).
Asking @jbob about this.
@fry_p Some options to try out here in this thread:
I wonder if this is even fog related…
I wonder if a windows update or some software update made this file. What happened yesterday at 11:36 ?
@Wayne-Workman I think it is FOG Service related since googling the content of the file brought me to the following thread:
@Quazz I think I agree it could be FOG. I realize there are workarounds (trying live CD now), but now it is appearing on any image that has the new client installed. The weird thing is pre-sysprep for this image, this file was not there.
@fry_p I don’t see the file on my computer, I’m running win7 with 0.10.6 at the moment.
This is a client issue. Long story short: you have your fog.log in the program files directory, and the client tells update helper where to log, but isn’t wrapping it in quotes. So the log file is now C:\program during updates. I won’t be able to patch it for a couple of days. But to remove it, use a snapin.
Make a batch script del the file if it exists and deploy that snapin to all hosts. It will run as SYSTEM and have the needed privilages.
@Jbob Luckily (not best practice) 95% of our PC’s use the legacy client as part of our old images (recently moved to trunk). We have a handful of test machines that the new client is on for building new images. We also tested that if you don’t uncheck the option to put fog.log at the root of the
drive, everything is ok. Thanks for your help!