Green FOG - Change amount of time to shutdown
Is it possible with Green FOG to change the amount of time it takes to shutdown… so the users have more of a warning?
i.e. - green fog is set to 6pm for me. Can I have the alert pop up that it is going to shut down changed to like 20 minutes before it actually shuts everything down?
@GFm Which version of the FOG client (and FOG itself) are you using?
0.9.11 I think… it’s the latest or close to it
@GFm In the web UI : FOG Configuration > FOG Settings > FOG Service > FOG_GRACE_TIMEOUT
@ch3i Awesome… thanks!! Just what I needed
@ch3i @GFm you might want to note that this will also change the grace period anytime FOG needs to restart the systems too. So If you send an image it could take 20 min to restart and start to image, this will most likely give 20 min before restarting if you change the host name and may also be the case if you join to AD. Not sure if that will effect you or not but wanted to be sure that you were aware of that.
@ITSolutions Thanks… i’ll do some checking on that to verify. I will reply with what it does
@ITSolutions I just imaged and it was fine… went through like normal with the restarts between joining the domain
@GFm Good to know, thanks for testing and reporting back.