Trying to upgrade from 1.2.0 to latest svn
I’m on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS with Fog 1.2.0. I’m trying to update to latest svn but during the fog installation I get :- Addubg needed repository…Failed!
and everything stops
What can I do?
Does it have an active internet connection? For instance, you can ping google? Are you behind a proxy?
I don’t think 1.2.0 attempts to install external repositories.
He has 1.2 he is upgrading to SVN when it happens.
Are you behind a proxy?
Please run this command and see what it tells you
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6
What does your upvote mean? Did this solve your issue?
@Pascal-Gazaille said:
I’m on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS with Fog 1.2.0. I’m trying to update to latest svn but during the fog installation I get :- Addubg needed repository…Failed!
and everything stops
What can I do?
I had this issue and finally found my filter was blocking After allow access to that page it updated like a charm.
I can ping google with no problem and I’m not behind a proxy.I’ve tried the command sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6 but it gave me an error of command not found.
Something else to check?