Computer wont boot from hard drive after PXE from FOG
We fixed this by runing startup repair with the windows 7 install disk. For some reason with fog .32 it was using the bootmanager from the fox pxe boot image.
Forgot to mention. Thank you very much for your help on this:):)
The start of computers to display FOG PXE Then when they go to boot from the hard disk goes black screen the cursor flashes in the upper left corner and nothing happens.
Someone has the solution to this problem
Yep,Make sure your network is good to go. In some cases you may also need to power down completely, and “cold” start the system.
First, check the network though. I actually saw this exact issue today. All other systems were perfectly fine, it was just this one system that had the issue. Replaced patch cable and restarted system. Everything succeeded.
yes but,I have a good connection and restart the computer and turn it off and still the same . I do not know what it is
and not found.
I have the same problem you had at the time of loading the image I get black screen and a blinking in the corner hairline.
Do you have the solution to this problem?
Could you help me fix it? -
Microsoft AD environment with 200+ computers. Upgraded fog server to 1.2 from 0.32. No previous similar problems.
On approximately 10% of campus computers, we are also seeing the “perma-blinking” top left cursor after
the Fog Menu screen during PXY boot. Laptops and Desktops running Windows 7. Have to turn off PXY boot
for work around. Today tried my first Fog “Quick Image” on a Dell Latitude with this issue and it also hangs about
15 minutes into the reimage on the same blinking cursor screen. Hoping for some information, directions, questions.
Thanks very much. -
@MJR Correction; the Quick Image worked (after turning back on PXE) , it apparently just hung on the final reboot in the same place it always does.
@MJR Can you provide a list of models that are problematic?
@Wayne-Workman Thanks for your response; I don’t know how specific you need me to be but we are 90% Dell.
Generally speaking, there’s at least one Optiplex 780 (2012?), a few Optiplex 3010’s (2013), and 3 or 4 Dell Latitude E6520’s (2011). Our Network Engineer suggested maybe a certain brand/model of NIC’s… -
@MJR I was asking for exact models, lol. But that’s fine - you can do what I was going to do. Please look through these two lists, you’ll know what you’re looking at:
Now, if you find some that are noted as working but are not working for you - we need to explore those.
Hello all, i’m googling/reading a lot of thread from at least a week on this problem, just today i reg to this forum, only to say I have same issue with Acer P253M notebook.
I tried recover image (from Acer dvd disks) with win7 and win10, same issue, Bios boot type was set to “legacy” (not uefi) but the O.S. was set by Acer with GPT partition.
I fear this is the problem, the GPT Partition.
I’m going to try with an “MBR partition”… (microsoft call the partition schema in this clear wrong way)…But after all i would ask: what kind of boot pxe-fog-booting-img use?!
It’s Syslinux?
May be it’s there the problem, could a syslinux update (or downgrade) to solve the problem?I found this workaround for an old version of Fog in wiki:
and other site i can’t apply this method just because i can’t find /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
i’m going off road…?Thank you.
@ciry fog 1.0+ versions do not use syslinux. fog uses ipxe.
trying to boot a gpt uefi system with the bios set to legacy would not work regardless of pxe.
fog gives you multiple methods to exit the pxe environment to try to load the OS, have you tried them all? -
I know I’m gravedigging an old topic, but since this is all the Google could find for me on this topic I thought I’d post a solution for future reference.
For my setup (FOG 1.3.5), the following allowed me to get my Dell Latitude M4800 and E7470 laptops to exit iPXE and continue booting the hard disk properly without the dreaded flashing cursor:
FOG Configuration -> iPXE Boot Menu -> Exit to Hard Drive Type = GRUB_FIRST_HDD (default is SANBOOT, which was giving me trouble)
Hope this helps someone.