@robertkwild There’s only one “stable” one “major/master” and then the one we’re working toward.
Technically there’s also “nightly” so 4 main versions:
master branch = 1.5.10 (Currently) - Baseline for stable and current updates of the master.
stable branch = (Currently) - This is considered (if you will in linux terms) LTS (we’re wanting 1.6 to come out but in the mean time we still need to keep things up and running of the stuff most people are using.)
dev-branch branch = 1.5.10.x >= 1634 (currently) - This is where we do updates for issues found/reported/ and hopeful fixes to go into the next release of stable. This is what I would call “nightly” but it’s not quite bleeding edge either as this is just holding fixes for hte 1.5.10 and later versions.
working-1.6 branch = 1.6. This is what some might consider alpha/beta (all working branches will be intended in this manner at least) in that it is where it’s the fully latest bleeding where we hope and want to get to with fog.