It was downloaded yesterday, i’ll try and go into it later and find the revision number.
Usually when i purchase new desktops/laptops the MAC is written on the side of the box so i can pre-stage the computers in FOG. Then when putting them together they only need a BIOS password setting and changing to PXE boot and they sort themselves out.
Usually once we have put in a load i’ll set a hardware inventory job for later so we can have more basic info in fog. (I have a program that does a more complex inventory)
If i were you… I wouldn’t bother with the FOGImageReplicator. Now that i know i have a working deploy i am going to test out the storage server and try using other methods of replication. Allowing it to be done in a custom manner will probably suit those running more complex setups with storage nodes. If they have a lot of them, Many to Many replication may suit better. They could configure something as simple or as complex as they needed.
It’s good that compression is enabled by default… most PCs are a lot more capable than the single core VMs i’m testing on and it shrank my 12gb image to 5gb.
For the logs thing… when partclone was giving the error, it was saying where it stored the error. but i couldn’t get to a command line to look at the log file. maybe since fog has FTP you could add a script to copy the logs directory after an error to the server’s images directory?
The VMs i were using had 25gb HDDs and 512mb RAM. (i know low power, but i only have 2 8GB hosts to play with at home)
I was impressed with FOG running nicely on 512 and even 386mb RAM in debian without using too much swap.
I now have access to a 72GB RAM Test server online, so i’m planning some bigger tests and VPN tests. (Uploading ISOs has taken quite a while but i should be able to do some beefy tests over the Christmas period.)
The GUI button error just seems to be in the debian browser… works fine in IE. (Image Attached)
The Image thing over the inventory - When fog loads it runs through what it’s doing, such as the contents of the inventory and that it is sending the inventory to the server. If a static image could be put in front of that so the user wasn’t ‘confused’ by the strange things on their PC it might make things a bit better. Also people could customize it to their company logo and their employees would know something is supposed to be happening. A progress bar would just mean they could have some indication that something was getting done.