@AUTH-IT-Center In my testing with an openldap (ldap.forumsys.com)
I wasn’t able to use member/memberof though I wasn’t able to figure out quite why, but when I changed the group member to ‘uniquemember’ all seemed to work.
Assuming eduPersonEntitlement has the uids (in dn format) of the user (either full dn or partial) and it’s directly associated with the ou structure for your admin group:
Similarly your ‘admingroup’ (I know you’ve masked it) but do you have a group in your LDAP that has a full name of: https://entitlements.it.auth.gr/<adminGroupName>
Now I’m not sure on the exact setup differences (I just helped get the plugin built)
In my experience:
Search base DN tells us where it’s going to search for users
Group base DN tells us where it’s going to search for groups
So if Groups are all under the OU=People,O=Auth,C=GR then this would work, but if groups are not all under OU?
In my example structure my layout was:
LDAP Server -> ldap.forumsys.com
LDAP Server Port -> 389
Use Group Matching (recommended) checked
Search Base DN -> dc=example,dc=com
Group Search DN -> dc=example,dc=com
Administrator Group -> mathematicians
Non-Administrator Group ->
Username Attribute -> uid
Group Name Attribute -> ou #Working-1.6 has this element
Group Member Attribute -> uniquemember
Search Scope -> Subtree and Below
Bind DN -> cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com
Bind Password -> password
Of course I don’t expect anyone to actually use this setup and this is for testing, not for real login, but gave me a way to test things.
Search Base DN = Where we search for users
Group Search DN = Where we search for groups
Admin/user Group = What groups should users belong in (must reside in the Group Search DN to work.)
Username Attribute = We all know this one
Group Name Attribute = This is new to working-1.6 of course but similar to username attribute. In your case this would be defaulted to name
in dev-branch
Group Member Attribute = which attribute stores users that are associated to the group.
Search Scope = Base = Only at the search base, Subtree = Only at the group below the search base, Subtree and below = Everthing from the group base and below. (this is just how I imagine and envision it, if anyone has better descriptions feel free to correct me please.)
Bind DN (what user dn is to authenticate intially with the ldap)
Bind Password (what password to authenticate with)
I know I was explicit but this is what worked for me in my testing.