i think the easiest way is to change the IP in /opt/fog/.fogsettings and rerun your installation?
Best posts made by TaTa
RE: Unable to locate /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default on fedora install to change IP address/dns etc
RE: FOG not PXE boot anymore
sorry for my 2nd and 3rd questions.
and option 66 is your FOG server IP?
Have you temporarily tried to disable firewall or iptables? -
RE: SVN 3877 No boot file name received
@jamesb Like Wayne Workman said, if you are using dnsmasq you need to recreate a link to your undionly.kkpxe files as undionly.0.
RE: LDAP Plugin
@george1421 I just changed search scope to subtree and below and magically I was able to login with domain user ID (no domain name is needed). I can’t thank you enough for your support. Thank you!!!
RE: Error 'Could not open inode 'XXXXXX" through the library'
@Sebastian-Roth @Tom-Elliott Huge thanks for the fix. 1709 is uploading after updating init and init_32.
RE: FOG slow to image when on VM
@Sebastian-Roth Thank you very much. We had an outage last week so I didn’t have time to follow up. I just upgraded to latest dev-branch and things are working now. Advanced menu is working as it was before. Thanks everyone involved!
RE: Fog Server vulnerable
Please scratch out my previous question.
systemctl enable httpd.service resolved it.
RE: Fogserver check if .mntcheck exists (/bin/fog.upload)
@technolust It looks like your Storage node is pointing to /fogserver/images. Verify if it exists otherwise change your image path and FTP path to /images
Latest posts made by TaTa
FOG iPXE menu “Deploy Image” not working
I’m setting up a new FOG server. The installation went through successfully. I can deploy image just fine when scheduling a task through the web UI. However, Deploy Image function from FOG iPXE doesn’t work. After entering user/password (either correct or not), the screen goes back to the FOG menu. I reran the installation many times. I even deleted fog database from mysql and deleted fog web folder but nothing help.
FOG version:
What could be the problem? Thank you in advance for your help!
RE: Email not sending post image deploy
Hi @Tom-Elliott. Do you know which settings do I need to change so outgoing email is not coming from Apache?
I changed the outgoing email for FROM EMAIL and EMAIL BINARY in the web UI to donotreply@mydomain.com. Notification email went out as apache@myfogserver.localdomain. I then set myorigin = mydomain.com in main.cf, I received the notification from donotreply@mydomain.com which looks correct but according to maillog, and full header of the email, the email was sent from apache@mydomain.com. -
RE: Email not sending post image deploy
Hi @rogalskij. Did you have change anything for EMAIL BINARY after installing Postfix? If I want to use a specific FROM EMAIL address , would I need to replace noreply@${server-name}.com in EMAIL BINARY to that specific from email address?
RE: Multicast stuck at partclone page
@mashina Pick a class D IP address (except 224.0. 1.1) and put in it multicast address from your last screenshot to see if it helps.
RE: iPXE Binary Compile Error
@rtarr I had to renew my cert. Recompiled iPXE binary with error and chainload failed during PXE boot. Adding that line and recompiling worked without error. Thank you!
PHP 8 Issues with LDAP account or unknown accounts
Hello all,
Happy holidays!
We are on latest released FOG 1.5.10. I upgraded from PHP 7.4 to 8.1 and 8.2. I’m getting HTTP ERROR 500 for both versions when logging with LDAP or any unknown accounts that are not listed under “User Management”. I re-ran the installation but it didn’t help. Would anyone be able to assist?
Thank you!
Hello all,
Our security team has asked us to enable SSO and use DUO for authentication through web and accessing FOS menu. We are on version 1.5.9 and only LDAP is available. With the released of version 1.5.10, can we SSO or is there away to use SSO with 1.5.9?
Thank you!
RE: Fog Server vulnerable
Thank you all for your help. I was able get an exemption from the security team for ftp plaintext. I’m down to the last issue about the nfs mount points and folder permissions. They don’t like the fact that these mount points are open to everyone. What is the proper way to secure them?
I currently have:
/images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0)
/images/dev *(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)What is the proper permission for /images folder (and sub folders)? It is now set to drwxrwxrwx. fogproject root 4096.
RE: Fogserver check if .mntcheck exists (/bin/fog.upload)
@technolust It looks like your Storage node is pointing to /fogserver/images. Verify if it exists otherwise change your image path and FTP path to /images