Stood up a new 2008R2 print server with 1 printer installed, a single Hp laserjet 1320, the only driver installed was the 64 bit OS driver specific for that printer.
Freshly imaged Dell 790 windows 7 64-bit .
Upon adding to the domain, there was an interactive services logon error, that the printer already existed.
Rebooted and the printer is added to devices and printers but then the error from above, “operation could not completed…”
Removed the printer from fog, refreshed printers through the FOG tray. Printer removed from Devices and printers, but stayed in the registry.
Re added the printer in fog, restarted the FOG service,
[CODE] 3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Management level = 2
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Removing unwanted printers from host…
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Server Match: \pserver2\TechRoom printer will stay as is
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Adding new printers to host…
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager 1 found on server side.
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Printer already installed \pserver2\TechRoom
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Waiting for tray to load…
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Setting Default Printer…
3/28/2012 11:38 AM FOG::PrinterManager Setting default for \pserver2\TechRoom
The printer never shows back up in devices and printers.
Confirmed that if I removed the registry key placed for the print driver, restart the print spooler service, and refresh the FOG service, or refresh printers from the FOG Tray, the printer installs back.
The issues seems to be with FOG looking in the registry for the installed printer. This will also cause an issue with using the Universal Drivers since it only puts 1 driver in the registry no matter how many different models of that brand you install.