To add on to this, While I completely agree with Jayme’s post, it seems to me that this issue is known about.
First, it seems to me that as you’re using XP, this problem is a known issue in a few threads. I’ve been doing my best, but as I, as many of us here do, work in a school district, am pretty swamped at work. The quick fix, from what I could think of, is to push XP/Vista images into the same category as how all the rest operate. Windows 7/8/8.1 resizable images are typically stored in /images/<imagepathname>/{rec,sys}.img.000
XP and Vista supposed are a singular file in the format of:
I’ve pushed the changes to bring xp and vista into the same realm as Windows 7/8/8.1, but haven’t had any of either of these images to test it with as I have been busy at work. I’m sorry.
Second, the “hanging” for a second then error exit seems to me that the problem is more related to locating the file which leads me to the information in the "first’ part of this posting.
While I understand the “reddit” post may or may not have been done by you, it seems that Junkhackers response was an indirect (“We need more information.”) rather than a direct stab at you. The comments therein that post seem a bit harsh and rash. While it could’ve been stated more clearly, he was simply trying to get the point across that he uses those systems to actually do work and they work fine. He probably wasn’t using XP, and he was attempting (I think) to tell you the system in and of itself works fine.