@Sebastian-Roth Thankfully, Mariadb has a list of possible issues: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/converting-tables-from-myisam-to-innodb/
We’d need to set some baseline settings in the mysql config, imo.
@Sebastian-Roth Thankfully, Mariadb has a list of possible issues: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/converting-tables-from-myisam-to-innodb/
We’d need to set some baseline settings in the mysql config, imo.
@fog_newb Ubuntu 21.10 uses PHP8 by default. PHP 8 has certain breaking changes that FOG isn’t compatible with yet.
So as Wayne said, safer to stick to LTS.
I’ll try and help out the devs with PHP8 support tonight if I find the time, it’s been something on my to do list, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
@raftor Please post the output of his new command, it’s different!
With option subnetmask included, could you run
dhcpd -t -cf /path/to/dhcpd.conf
And post the output here? (or on pastebin if it’s a lot)
What do you use for boot? (undionly.kpxe for eg)
To fix the sysprep fatal error issue, simply stop the Windows Media Player Network Sharing service.
I believe they fixed certain registration issues on trunk 6555+ or so, so it might be worth updating.
@THEMCV You can’t just randomly switch the BIOS setting for SATA mode, you need to alter registry values (before changing the value) or do a clean install (after changing the value)
Can you try ipxe.pxe ?
@Tom-Elliott Ahhh, can’t believe I was that stupid, you are right of course. I was led to thinking this when I installed the server in a VM and imported the database but obviously forgot to update the storage password.
My bad, sorry for taking up your time with my nonsense.
Problem is that in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/config.class.php host and user are not defined.
Fill in localhost for host and root for user, save the file and it should work as expected.
So change
private static function db_settings() {
define('DATABASE_TYPE','mysql'); // mysql or oracle
private static function db_settings() {
define('DATABASE_TYPE','mysql'); // mysql or oracle
Fill in password if you have one defined for your mysql of course.
What kind of CPU is in there? Afaik this happens when the microcode isn’t loaded, so the model of the CPU is necessary information.
Alternatively, for the devs, turning off interrupt remapping would also solve this afaik.
edit: try adding pcie_aspm=off to kernel parameters in fog options.
@THEMCV Did you sysrep /generalize ? If not, then it will basically use the VMWare drivers which won’t work.
ipxe.pxe is legacy (all UEFI are .efi afaik)
There is a new setting called bitrate for storage nodes in trunk version of FOG that may be missing a zero (I do not mean replication bandwidth)
@george1421 I think his complaint is that when you click on the Wake on LAN label it enables Debug task (which it probably shouldn’t?)
@mandrade I would advise trying a different USB NIC, it seems like this one isn’t working properly given that it cannot read the device descriptor properly.
Unless… is this being plugged into a USB3 port? If so, try a USB2 port.
@x23piracy snponly is similar to undionly in that they try to use the included drivers on the NIC itself (as far as I know), but this generally doesn’t work as well for UEFI boot as it does legacy.
ipxe (whether .efi or .kpxe) include all of the NIC drivers available and should thus be able to boot just about anything, but in practice that’s not necessarily the case. They’re about 8 times bigger in filesize, though.
Then you have some vendor specific files like the realtek and intel ones. You also have backdated ones (7156) because of changes to IPXE and incompatibility with certain hardware.
tl;dr It’s more of a try some and see if it works
@Wayne-Workman You can image unregistered computers using multicast with trunk. You just have to create a session for it specifying the amount of clients and such first.
@sgennadi Set blexports to 0 in /opt/fog/.fogsettings
@maria_reed Given that it works fine on other models, I’m guessing the issue here will come down to drivers. Some of them likely have slightly different hardware (bluetooth tends to be a bitch here) that will cause BSODs/reboots, etc
If not drivers, then most likely something to do with the unattend.xml file.