hmm, that’s not stupid, the OCS thingie, as it’s anyway probably usually used in such environments where FOG is interested, but can you make the ocs agent report to, and be setup via FOG easily?
Anyway, afaict, the FOG service works quite nicely…
Posts made by Gilou
RE: FOG Status
RE: FOG Status
However, it wouldn’t hurt having FOG as a distribution package (think .deb, .rpm) rather than having to maintain its own install script. But hey, let’s have more people on board to do that
I’m actually thinking about having it packaged, so that we can just do apt-get install fog, but there are many other issues to be fixed, and the 0.33 version to be worked on first…Cheers
Gilou -
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
[quote=“pmonstad, post: 18432, member: 17422”]Chinese language?? After installing (testing user interface) most menues seams to appear in Chinese language? Why, I have not entered any setting about this?[/quote]
You can choose the locale to use on the login screen, maybe it has the wrong one selected?
RE: Fog forum IRC
Being quite an IRC long timer, I joined on Freenode. Maybe this could be set as default and documented, so it actually becomes useful & crowded
RE: Custom init.gz
I know that, but my point is actually, how is it supposed to be used ? I didn’t look too far, but if we want to improve this, the toolchain should be documented
RE: Latest FOG 0.33b
It is a wrapper for the gettext function, that uses the .pot file as a reference to ease the translation in other languages.
RE: Feature Request: Full UEFI Support
In my opînaion, this is heavily linked to the use of partclone instead of partimage… So this is work in progress I think
RE: Running on PHP 5.4
Those are just notices, so you can safely ignore them, or disable the E_NOTICE level in error_reporting. If you have reference passing errors, you can remove them by replacing &$tmp by $tmp in most PHP files.
RE: Custom init.gz
There are indeed some needed work both on the kernel and the init.gz script. However, we have to care not to break anything… As of now, I think we should have an option for 64 bits install… And perhaps add more libs & tools in it, though the latest version from SVN has already some really helpful tool. One thing that was removed, and broke compatibility was the probable removal of the “loadkeys” utility, that renders the FOG_KERNEL_KEYMAP useless.
I’m also a little bit confused about how the init.gz is generated from SVN… The doc to build a custom one is around here: [url][/url]
but I’m not sure I’ve found how to properly generate it in SVN from src/buildroot or what not… -
RE: Latest FOG 0.33b
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 18358, member: 7271”]r976 released,
Fixes type on ImageManagementPage for editing the images.
Also corrects the Host edit to keep you from having to change the hostname any time you make a change to some field other than the hostname.[/quote]
Hmm… I see you didn’t use my patch, and removed the internationalization support on ImageManagementPage.class.php line 243… Not sure that’s a good thing
[code] <h2><?php print “Edit image definition”; ?></h2>[/code]
Also at some point, I think I could bring a lot of help in there, but is there :
- a project management tool (or is it the forum) ?
- a project leader, or some roadmap (besides ironing out the new 0.33 OO code) ?
- coding guidelines ?
and who manages the SVN access on SF ? In case, my SF id is gilou-epik.
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
Yeah, lib/pages/HostManagementPage.class.php checks if the hostname already exist… But obviously, if I’m editing it, it obviously exists hehe… too tired to fix, but that’s not cool, it requires a name change every time I update a host
RE: Bugs in FOG 0.33
I spotted a bug on the Image edit page, here’s a diff, but it’s just the path not being displayed (it tries to get $_POST[‘file’] which probably comes from a bad copy/paste). Also, the heading was wrong (add, instead of edit image definition).I have a feeling the host edit page has some inconsistency as well…
[CODE]Index: ImageManagementPage.class.php
— ImageManagementPage.class.php (révision 975)
+++ ImageManagementPage.class.php (copie de travail)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@// TODO: Put table rows into variables -> Add hooking ?>
<h2><?php print _("Add new image definition"); ?></h2>
<h2><?php print _("Edit image definition"); ?></h2> <form method="POST" action="<?php print $this->formAction; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
<tr><td><?php print _(“Image Description”); ?></td><td><textarea name=“description” rows=“5” cols=“65”><?php print $Image->get(‘description’); ?></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php print _(“Storage Group”); ?></td><td><?php print $this->FOGCore->getClass(‘StorageGroupManager’)->buildSelectBox($Image->get(‘storageGroupID’)); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php print _(“Operating System”); ?></td><td><?php print $this->FOGCore->getClass(‘OSManager’)->buildSelectBox($Image->get(‘osID’)); ?></td></tr>-
<tr><td><?php print _("Image Path"); ?></td><td><?php foreach($this->FOGCore->getClass('StorageNodeManager')->find() AS $StorageNode){if($StorageNode->isMaster()){print $StorageNode->get('path');}} ?><input type="text" name="file" id="iFile" value="<?php print $_POST['file']; ?>" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><?php print _("Image Path"); ?></td><td><?php foreach($this->FOGCore->getClass('StorageNodeManager')->find() AS $StorageNode){if($StorageNode->isMaster()){print $StorageNode->get('path');}} ?><input type="text" name="file" id="iFile" value="<?php print $Image->get('path'); ?>" /></td></tr> <tr><td><?php print _("Image Type"); ?></td><td><?php print $this->FOGCore->getClass('ImageTypeManager')->buildSelectBox($Image->get('imageTypeID')); ?></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2><center><input type="submit" value="<?php print _("Update"); ?>" /></center></td></tr> </table>
GIlou -
RE: Dell 9020 FOG ISSUE!!
This happens generally when the kernel is incompatible with the host. For some recent Dells, I’ve found the kernel 3.6.9 to work nicely. To update your kernel, go to Other Information => Kernel Update.
Gilou -
RE: FOG wont Deploy an image (maybe Win7 image setting mistake)
It might be because of the way the partition table is set. Make sure you have the OS type properly set and the partition type as well… It would be very helpful to actually catch the error that it throws at you
RE: Latest FOG 0.33b
Ok, my bad. Since it was hosted on your own server, I thought it was isolated. Please ignore me, and simply go on ;))
RE: FOG Status
[QUOTE]There’s nothing that fog does that powershell remoting can’t do better when you consider a windows 7+s2008 with winRM installed at a minimum environment. Bonus is security is already done for that. Not having a client application in my opinion is a big win, makes new deployments that bit more friendlier. Using powershell should really be sysadmin 101 and is looking to go more that way every day.
[/QUOTE]Careful there, this implies you have a platform to run your powershell thingies, and that you only maintain Windows on the guests…
The reason I use FOG in the first place is to avoid having to maintain Windows Servers for the infrastructure. So FOG does what powershell doesn’t : run an imaging solution based on opensource components. I’m really happy for MS customers that they have those shiny setups included, but it doesn’t make FOG any less relevant. -
RE: Latest FOG 0.33b
Hi Tom,
Maybe I haven’t read about that somewhere else, but though I’m really excited about some activity on FOG, I’m concerned by the fact this is a fork-ish way of dealing with things.
What’s the status on the main FOG repository, and why not handle the work over there rather than on a separate SVN setup. This will in the long run make it hard to track evolutions, should there be any, of the original project. The more reasonnable approach here would be to get in touch with the current developpers, and have them include your patch, or give you access to the repository.
I will nevertheless have a shot at your branch, because I need FOG to go further, especially on the partclone/W8 evolutions, but let us not make a fork of something that isn’t dead, or at least that doesn’t appear to be dead. Maybe it is, then, fix before going down a potentially painful path
RE: Where are you located ? Please Reply..
Nantes, France (but we use FOG on all our branches, in Nantes, Paris, Lyon, Lille)
RE: FOG Status
We are a heavy user of FOG here (training center, with a few national branches), as probably most of the people that get sucked into using that great project. I did not see this post as soon as I would have liked, but as I was wondering what was going on about 0.33, here I am.
There are selling points that I consider important about FOG. Important as in, it could be made irrelevant if it wasn’t as it is. Those points are :
- easy integration in a Linux environment
- PHP codebase (sort of)
You are saying the dependency on NFS, TFTP & ISC DHCP is an issue. It is not. Those tools work, they work fine, and FOG is an important part of a network infrastructure, so considering running it on Linux because it uses some of the usual linux toolset is reasonnable. You want to run that on Windows? Use the tools Windows provide. You still want FOG, but you don’t know Linux, how about providing an appliance to have it working out of the box? Or anything… But the Linux environment is a great opportunity, and what makes FOG quite friendly (to me, granted… but well.)
You want to transfer 10+ GB images over HTTP ? What ? OK. NFS security issue: granted. The only way to avoid that is to have the write operations done on a separate network (VLAN), petty much. But NFS works quite nicely, is usually really, really easy to setup, and performance is usually quite good. From where I’m sitting, this is an issue I know about, but doesn’t bother me that much. If my PXE infrastructure is used by anyone, it is going to catch fire at some point… I keep backups and don’t use the NFS images mountpoint for anything else, so well.
As for dependencies, and integration in distributions… I wondered why FOG didn’t came packaged for those distribution, now I realize it’s probably because it takes more time that you have on your hands. This can be most certainly tackled by the community. Using .deb or .rpm to avoid the complex, quite buggy installation script would be quite good (and it pretty much boils down to call apt-get, and do some configuration on debian anyway)… The point is, I don’t think you should go away from all the Linux goodness around it: there are things that will make FOG more efficient, focusing on the imaging issues and the kernel, rather than the underlying technologies.
Now the codebase… Cue the flamewars indeed. I don’t like PHP, and I know that the FOG codebase suffers from its legacy… But still… PHP runs easily, and apache is easy to setup… I mean, even by hand, putting FOG at work probably takes less than an hour. If you want to go for trendier language, my advice would be to keep close to what sysadmins usually like, and know how to deploy/hack around. I might sound like an old timer on that, but PHP, or probably more Python would be my first choices. There aren’t many sysadmin tools written in language such as Java or Scala… I’d recommend thinking twice about going there… Even though that might sound anti-progressist… We are talking about a tool running an important piece of infrastructure…
That being said… I’m not a Windows 8 shop, yet, so the UEFI thing is a non-issue for me, as of now. Though working with Apple things might require me to go there… However, I usually boot a live Ubuntu when the FOG kernel can’t do things, and end up sending images “by hand” when I encounter an issue. However, I’m pretty sure I can give in and help with that part. And I agree a separation would make sense, to split the work, between the UI, and the FOG kernel. I sometimes wonder why it is not based off a more common distribution, to ease the configuration / maintenance… But then, most distribution tend to get strongly bloated, when we need something quite light. I would go for some ubuntu/debian, but that’s because I sold my soul to debian…
As for the Windows Service : it was always buggy to me, I would have liked some things, but maybe this can be worked out as an integration with what Microsoft has to offer (unattended stuff) rather than a dedicated utility. So basically, we don’t use it.
And the other features (clamav, stuff, blah), I just never use that… My debug tool is to PXE boot ubuntu, and we generally have other tools for maintenance. Integration with PXE / TFTP here is essential, because FOG doesn’t need to know more about what I want to boot when FOG doesn’t provide what I need. Back to not ditching the linux toolset underneath
Looking forward to helping, if need be.