@Sebastian-Roth well then, today I learned! MSI’s only advantage is you can deploy via GPO I suppose. To my knowledge you have to call a script for an exe. Either way works. Thanks for the clarification.
Posts made by fry_p
RE: MSI vs SmartInstaller
RE: MSI vs SmartInstaller
Sorry to necro this thread, but I also want to mention a certain use-case for the MSI. You can pass arguments using msiexec to install. This is useful for remote/silent installation. This has saved me in the past.
From the Wiki:
msiexec /i FOGService.msi /quiet USETRAY="0" HTTPS="0" WEBADDRESS="192.168.1.X" WEBROOT="/fog" ROOTLOG="0" Firstly, all options are optional. Here’s what they all do: USETRAY= defaults to "1", if "0" the tray will be hidden HTTPS= defaults to "0", if "1" the client will use HTTPS (not recommended) WEBADDRESS= defaults to "fogserver", this is the ip/dns name of your server WEBROOT= defaults to "/fog" ROOTLOG= defaults to "0", if "1" the fog.log will be at C:\fog.log, otherwise %PROGRAMFILES%\FOG\fog.log
RE: Bottleneck on DATABASE
I did some testing in the past here: https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/13820/load-balancing-and-fog?_=1579975398818
Not sure how applicable this is but I wanted to put it here just in case.
Been having some medical issues that have kept me from continuing this, but for what it’s worth.
RE: Gigabyte board not booting into Windows when booted off FOG.
We will need to know what version of FOG you are running for starters. I’m sure now that this is bumped and if you provide this info, the forum members should be able to start helping.
RE: FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection
@george1421 said in FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection:
@fry_p said in FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection:
BCDEDIT /set nointegritychecks ON
Right this needs to be put into your golden image. Its a bad hack. But its VERY strange that Dell would release unsigned drivers, that’s so 2015. Are they not signed, or are they signed but have an unidentified certificate?
I legitimately want to ask, is it really dangerous to have that off for that short period of time? I turn it back on after the next automated reboot. I suppose if something failed, it would be stuck in that state… I need to not be lazy and find which one(s) is(are) unverified. Sadly, the message does not specify in sysprep.
This may be a fluke because I am testing and found this issue on an OptiPlex 7020 .cab. It is not the newest gen by any means.
RE: Adobe Acrobat Reader snapin not working
I have successfully gotten the exe to work by doing the following:
1 - Download the latest version of acrobat reader DC for your language and OS version here (this is important because it is the offline installer):
2 - Compress the file into a .zip
3 - Create a snapin pack with the following content:
a - Choose the .zip you just created to upload
b - Change the file path from “MyFile.exe” to the name of the exe you downloaded earlier
c - Put the following in the Snapin Pack Arguments section:
/sALL /msi /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=yes
Here is a screenshot of my settings:
Then you save the snapin, and deploy away!
Please let me know if this works for you -
RE: Requests for Wiki Access <--- ASK HERE
I might as well throw my hat in, I think I know enough about imaging with FOG to help. If anything, updating some basic things to reflect newer versions of FOG.
RE: FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection
"Place these lines within the file, and then save.
sc config FOGService start= auto
shutdown -t 0 -rAs the filename indicates, the script is called by windows after an image is deployed and post-sysprep operations are complete. It will re-enable the FOGService and then reboot the computer gracefully. After the computer reboots, the FOGService will start automatically and rename the computer if necessary, reboot if necessary, join the domain and reboot if necessary, and then perform any associated snapins. "
@Trev-lchs , please be more specific. What part isn’t working? Do you get any error messages? Please describe what is happening when you try to search.
RE: FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection
@Sebastian-Roth Whoops, I did not know that was the norm now. It is in the wiki article as auto. My bad, I can certainly change that before I try again.
EDIT: fixed my first post with the delay and a missing space just in case it works and someone uses it later
RE: FOG Post install script for Win Driver injection
I hate to admit it took me a full day to realize there should be no space in the directory structure for the driver folders when I (poorly) read George’s instructions in the 2017 thread (lmao)
I also have a question that is related to the driver injection concept, but it is after the post download scripts.
For one of the machine types, the .cab comes with an unknown amount unsigned driver for some stupid reason. This complicates things because a prompt to “install the unverified driver(s)” during the setupcomplete.cmd. I can’t find a method to force/silently say yes to this with pnputil.
Most fixes involve an extra reboot to turn off driver integrity checks. I am trying a really roundabout method:
BCDEDIT /set nointegritychecks ON shutdown -t 0 -r
Then, a script that lives in the startup folder found at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup does the following, then deletes itself after it runs once.
pnputil.exe /add-driver "C:\Drivers\*.inf" /subdirs /install pnputil.exe /add-driver "C:\Drivers\*.inf" /subdirs /install pnputil.exe /add-driver "C:\Drivers\*.inf" /subdirs /install rmdir /Q /S C:\drivers BCDEDIT /set nointegritychecks OFF (goto) 2>nul & del "%~f0"
Finally, I have a scheduled task built into the image that takes care of the commands usually in the typical setupcomplete.cmd, then deletes itself as well. The reboot should theoretically take care of the client service config and turning the integrity check back on.
sc config FOGService start= delayed-auto shutdown -t 0 -r
I got to the point of being ready to test this yesterday, but the workday ended. I will test in a few hours when I am in. I am open to suggestions of how to make this less clunky (if it even works).
RE: FOG Clients Stop Working
@UWPVIOLATOR My colleague and I have a PS script that at least checks if the service is running. It exports the results into .csv file. It can at least give you an idea of how many and which ones need fixed. (I sanitized this a bit, so put in your own stuff where needed)
ForEach ($Computer in (Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=XXXXXXXXXXX,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=COM")) { $ComputerName = $Computer.Name If (Test-Connection $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet) { $FogService = Get-Service -Name FogService -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($FogService) { Write-Output "FOG is running on $ComputerName" | Out-File C:\Scripts\FOG.csv -Append} Else {Write-Output "FOG is not running on $ComputerName" | Out-File C:\Scripts\FOG.csv -Append }} Else {Write-Output "$ComputerName is Offline" | Out-File C:\Scripts\FOG.csv -Append} }
From there, I am pretty sure you can just add affected PC’s to a group in Active Directory and map a GPO to run the following batch script (Note I sanitized a bit, so insert your own stuff where needed):
msiexec /q /x "PATH TO FOG CLIENT MSI" msiexec /i "PATH TO FOG CLIENT MSI" /quiet USETRAY="0" HTTPS="0" WEBADDRESS="FOGSERVERIP" WEBROOT="/fog" ROOTLOG="1" net start FOGService
RE: Database maintenance script?
@Tom-Elliott I am willing in a heartbeat. The problem right now may be my “history” of the old trunk builds causing some headaches in the past. I have some convincing to do for my boss, but having solid things that are fixed/improved helps the case. I am also probably going to need to take a medical leave soon and want to have FOG be stable while I’m gone. I will look at the features 1.6 and see if I can’t earn that tester badge again
RE: Database maintenance script?
@Sebastian-Roth said in Database maintenance script?:
@fry_p Sorry it took such a long time to answer. Almost forgot about this topic. I finally got to fix this issue - see on github.
That’s sick! I will have to update soon. I see this is on dev-branch, so I can try to convince my boss to update when I am in. Thanks for sticking with it!
RE: Load Balancing and FOG
@george1421 I have not had time to do this because of some medical issues keeping me from work. Hopefully it is all sorted out soon and I can test this!
RE: Load Balancing and FOG
@george1421 Here are my results:
Spun up one FOG Image server and FOG client server, both connect to db on Image server.
Uploaded/deployed image no problem to two laptops.
Installed client and pinned client server as the address in the installation on both laptops (changed checkin time to 30s for testing purposes).
Both clients authenticated successfully. Deployed simple MSI snapin from client server to both laptops. Clients checked in no problem and pulled the files from the imaging server, and ran them without trouble.
I am starting to think this proof of concept is a success. Is there anything else I should try with this test environment I have set up?
RE: Load Balancing and FOG
@george1421 I have had bits of time here and there to do pieces of this. I will make a big reply when all of what you suggested is tested, but so far so good. Two servers talking to the same DB. Just need to get clients on the two test laptops talking to the client server. Just ran out of time yesterday. Will be doing this in the AM today.
RE: Load Balancing and FOG
@george1421 I had time to spin up two new fog servers in my test area, one for imaging and one for client interaction. The client interaction one is set to connect to the DB of the imaging one. I also imported the certs from my production machine to both.
Unfortunately I ran out of time before I could actually test anything. Holding pattern until Monday I suppose.
RE: Load Balancing and FOG
@george1421 I couldn’t resist… I remoted in and took a quick look. It seems to be roughly 1500 hosts. I am starting to realize that this situation may be more about me wanting to try this than actual necessity.
That being said, in the past, I did have to extend time between client checkins because of it absolutely consuming my fog server’s resources.
In your opinion, is 1500 hosts enough to justify this? I still want to do this regardless as I have caught the improvement bug already, but I would like to hear what you think.