@epsilon52 First let me say that I 100% agree with Sebastian, but I also know a secret for the Dells.
Using the Dell CCTK (Command and configure tool) you can instruct the bios to pxe boot on the next boot up. This is totally outside the scope of FOG and not something that FOG is capable of, but the cctk tool has the ability to update/change bios settings from inside windows. So using that thought one could create a snapin (FOG deployable program) to run the preinstalled cctk command with the proper parameters to pxe boot on the next reboot only then instruct the computer to reboot. You would deploy that task after you have created an imaging task. I have not personally do this on my campus because I have other rules, but it should be totally possible with snapins and the fog client (I don’t use either in my environment).
As I said before I require the Imaging Tech to sit in front of the computer being imaged so they are 100% certain on what computer they are imaging. Because once in the past with the fully automated process we had an Imaging Tech pick the wrong computer and reimaged (i.e. erased) a VIP’s computer.