I’ve been having trouble with multicasting with a Multiple Partition - Single Disk image with a swap partition. So here are some specifications I have before getting into this.
[U]FOG Server[/U]
OS: Debian 7
[COLOR=#ff0000]FOG Version: 1.2.0 (Edit: Thanks for pointing out I left it off, Wayne Workman.)[/COLOR]
Locally Hosted Services: TFTP, NFS
Firewall: Disabled (not in production)
[U]DHCP Server[/U]
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
DHCP Options configured to use as the TFTP server as directed
[U]Example Targets[/U]
Hard Drive Space: 250GB
[U]Test Image[/U]
OS: Debian 7
Size: 1.2GB
Partitioning Method: MBR
Partition 1: Primary, Bootable, /
Partition 2: Primary, Swap, swapon
Bootloader: GRUB
[B][U]Test Scenario 1[/U][/B]
Description: Multicasting Multiple Partition - Single Disk Image (fstab Config 1)
Special note: The fstab used UUIDs to identify all partitions.
Deployment would successfully send the root partition and freeze on the swap partition. To get around it, I would have to stop the tasks and hard reboot the machines. The images were bootable.
Inspecting the machine showed that the swap partition was created, but that they had not been activated (UUID mismatch issue - Example thread: [url]http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/imaging-linux-systems-uuid-for-swap-not-matching-on-deployed-systems-eh.10901/[/url]).
[B][U]Test Scenario 2[/U][/B]
Description: Multicasting Single Disk Image
Special note: The fstab used UUIDs to identify all partitions.
Imaging successful. No hangs during imaging.
[B][U]Test Scenario 3[/U][/B]
Description: Multicasting Multiple Partition - Single Disk Image (fstab Config 2)
Special note: The fstab used /dev/sda* format to identify all partitions.
Again, deployment would successfully send the root partition and freeze on the swap partition. To get around it, I would have to stop the tasks and hard reboot the machines. The images were bootable.
The swap partition was created, formatted properly, and was active.
[B][U]Concluding Comments & Questions[/U][/B]
For the record, I had the same thing happen when I had my root partition as a primary and the swap as a logical partition.
The swap deployment hang issues only occur when using Multicast jobs. Unicast deployment does not hang and the job completes without intervening by powering off the machines and cancelling the tasks.
Is this a known issue or is this just something I’m doing?