Well, at least it didn’t hang.
@Matt-Rozema: What distribution and version are you running? I think whatever you are using is using an older wget…
Well, at least it didn’t hang.
@Matt-Rozema: What distribution and version are you running? I think whatever you are using is using an older wget…
I just fixed a handful of issues with the apache vhosts configuration. If you’re daring, you can grab the latest github commit on dev-branch if you don’t want to wait for the next SVN.
Things I want to do later:
Sounds like a dirty install. If you reinstalled FOG, you will need to delete the fog user.
I just pushed a change to the git repo. It was set to take 4.1 days to fail if there were problems downloading (just a little excessive). It has been reduced to 2.5 minutes with non-default timeouts. I’m still not a huge fan of the way it is done, but it’s something I’ve noted for later.
Also, if you are blocking loopback traffic in your firewall rules, that could cause this to fail.
I just fixed that issue yesterday:
That part queries your own web server for FOG. The code essentially attempted to wget your site a maximum of 20 times. But if you typed your IP incorrectly at the beginning of the setup, it would fail of course. Also, in my case, I deploy in an isolated environment so my IP is not the same during installation.
So I fixed it by having it go to instead of the IP you entered.
I received word that the init images have been updated. A reinstall of the latest SVN will fix this problem.
I still highly suggest waiting for the next SVN to be released though. The bug that @Tom-Elliott is working on affects multiple NIC setups.
I just pushed up a potential adjustment as commit 03c9451 on git. @Tom-Elliott is in the process of fixing a nasty bug on the portal. As soon as he finishes that, he’ll be able to get you an SVN to test out.
@ch3i said:
@cspence The difference is IO access. NFS need more IO access than CIFS, if you have a good NAS/SAN/Local storage prefer NFS. If you have Local/NAS storage in SATA II take what you want.
Tests with : HP MSA, HP3par, EMC Clarion, EMC VNX, Synology RS2414 and Netgear Readynas RN3220
Now you got me reading loads of recent material on the subject…
@Wayne-Workman said:
FYI, kernel / init downloading via the web UI uses FTP…
And sometimes… just sometimes… when you install FOG and it’s “downloading kernels and inits…” the inits part doesn’t work…
Hmm… This calls for more verbose messages during install…
It could be that the file downloads, but opening the init to pack it with custom scripts fails. Maybe we need to look into doing a checksum if that’s the case.
If so, it won’t be me right now.
Also, with my experience with it, transferring from a Linux based samba server is just as quick.
Everything I’ve been reading has said there’s no difference because hardware will be the limitation far before. Any sources?
That starts getting into website territory (my current blindspot on the project). I’m assuming FTP is used to manage directories in FOG. We would just need to figure out a better permission layout for directories.
That’s the great part. NFS and Samba are on par with each other when it comes to speed.
Oh, I see! You were just trying to share your images directory. I’ve been talking about replacing NFS completely with samba. It would take care of some of the biggest security issues.
Definitely a good direction. We’ll have to worry about the server end and the imager clients.
There could be an option for installing local storage or using remote storage. Even though I’ve talked about running file system transactions through the server, samba would take care of the permission issues that would be needed for.
If we run authentication for FOG through Kerberos, uploads could prompt for a password to mount the share before imaging. Then we don’t need to use 777 permissions anymore. Downloads could be done through an account that only has read-only permissions on most directories (we could limit who sees what images).
Good start!
The imaging client script fog.checkin (src/buildroot/package/fog/scripts/bin/fog.checkin) mounts the NFS share. That’s why there is no reference to the NFS share in /etc/fstab on the imaging client.
If you want to experiment with that, you will need to edit your init.xz to connect to samba instead.
[By the way, I want to do this later on an official basis.]
Try the latest version (SVN 3540). The bug is fixed.
Thanks for reporting!
Noting this forum post on the git repo issues. I’ll take a closer look at how networking is handled. It would be good for us to handle multiple NICs more gracefully.
Thanks for reporting.