Deploying Single Snapins to Group All
@MarkusK have you updated?
@Tom-Elliott It’s maybe two weeks ago since. Should I give it another try?
@MarkusK Sure. Just make sure you’re on dev-branch.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks, I’ll give dev-branch a try next week.
@Tom-Elliott I upgraded to
Running Version 1.4.0
SVN Revision: 6069but the problem is still there. The second time I submit a single snapin to the same group, there is no Task visible under “Active Snapin Tasks”. Only the first time I submit a single snapin, the Tasks are created.
Looking for the missing tasks, I found out, that there are tasks visible under “Active Tasks”, but the Image field is empty.
@MarkusK Why would “image” be visible or not?
Essentially, the tasks link into a snapin job. Those jobs are what are used to determine what’s available for the host to use.
Either it’s working, or it’s not working.
@Tom-Elliott I did some more tests. All snapins deploy to the host, but they are not correctly displayed under “Active Tasks” or incomplete under “Active Snapin Tasks” (The Image name is missing, when submitting a single snapin task to a group".
@MarkusK the image name is not important if the tasking is a snapin tasking.
@Tom-Elliott Image name sounds logical and is not so necessary. I only prefer to see the active snapin tasks and I wonder why they execute but I can’t see them under “Active Snapin Tasks”.
@MarkusK I can only imagine the “SnapinTasks” table is filled with erroneous data.
You could test this theory by: (It will remove any snapin history of course.)
TRUNCATE TABLE `fog`.`snapinTasks`; TRUNCATE TABLE `fog`.`snapinJobs`; DELETE FROM `fog`.`tasks` WHERE `taskTypeID` IN (12, 13); DELETE FROM `fog`.`snapinAssoc` WHERE `saHostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hostID` FROM `fog`.`hosts`) OR `sSnapinID` NOT IN (SELECT `saSnapinID` FROM `fog`.`sID`);
Because of all the “changes” I’m suggesting, I would highly suggest getting a backup of the database before performing these actions. This can be done from FOG Configuration Page->Configuration Save->Export
@Tom-Elliott Does this also delete the Active Snapin Jobs in the queue or just the history?
@MarkusK Entirely.
DELETE FROM `fog`.`snapinAssoc` WHERE `saHostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hostID` FROM `fog`.`hosts`) OR `sSnapinID` NOT IN (SELECT `saSnapinID` FROM `fog`.`sID`);
Returns #1146 - Table ‘fog.sID’ doesn’t exist