RC10 Broken Items on upgrade
@Tom-Elliott said in RC10 Broken Items on upgrade:
don’t know what is, but let’s try to narrow down what is causing the bandwidth usage first.
It’s the hosts downloading the client over and over. It says so in the log he posted. The file fails signature authentication, so it just tries again the next iteration.
@Joe-Schmitt do you have any ideas or thoughts?
@adukes40 for now globally disable the client auto updating (in fog settings). That will resolve your bandwidth issues and make your clients operable. When I get more free time I’ll take a look at what’s going on.
@Joe-Schmitt Went ahead and turned that off. Took forever to get through the GUI, but managed. Still running sluggish and timing out, and flooding the pipe. That will clear up here at 6PM because all the student workstations are set to shutdown.
EDIT: Actually the settings didn’t take. Now that the workstations have shutdown off I can get into the GUI at free will. It is NOW turn off (auto updating of the client)
Crosslinking similar threads:
https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/8556/gui-not-responsive/15 -
@adukes40 I will need to remote into a problematic machine to be able to identify exactly what is going wrong. Send me a chat message when you’re available for a remoting session (preferably using teamviewer).
Just as a slight update. I came in this morning and traffic from the master sites was basically Null, and imaging from remote nodes seems to kick off. (there are some weird lines the show up before the image kicks off, will need to get a screen of those, might not be a concerning issue) Testing the image now to see if we are able to complete imaging. Also Tom I do believe I set the Snapins back to ‘’ instead of ‘abc’.
OK so now after the image comes down, the master image is still using 11.2 client. but it was complaining about Snaping hash does not exist in the log. I manually updated it to 11.5 (being I had to turn the auto update off) and 11.5 still gave the same message: (also weird it says created today at 7:29, this script has been made since May/June, unless this is by design)
9/15/2016 7:55 AM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.5
9/15/2016 7:55 AM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
9/15/2016 7:55 AM Client-Info Server Version: 1.3.0-RC-10
9/15/2016 7:55 AM Middleware::Response Success
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Snapin Found:
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient ID: 10357
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Name: 2-InstallScript1
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Created: 2016-09-15 07:29:11
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Action: reboot
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Pack: False
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Hide: False
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Server:
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient TimeOut: 0
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient RunWith: powershell.exe
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient RunWithArgs: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient Args:
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient File: InstallScript1.ps1
9/15/2016 7:55 AM SnapinClient ERROR: Snapin hash does not exist -
To solve “Snapin hash does not exist”, i updated all my snapins to generate the hash.
When i opened a snapin to edit, the hash field (that is read only) was empty. I clicked the update button and the field was filled.
After this, snapin was installed.
edit. some I had to delete and recreate the snap in, by uploading the file again. -
@Thiago Hopefully your “edit” isnt what I need to do lol. I have 746 snapins.
It does appear clicking on UPDATE is filling in the hash. I will test this ina few minutes. But is there a way to “update” them all at once?
@adukes40 By resetting with
update snapins set sHash=''
it should make all snapins force update when they are next checked in. The create date is coming from when the snapin tasking was createsd I think. -
@Tom-Elliott This morning before I manually hit Update, The boxes were blank as @Thiago mentioned.
I just started an image and I am at the snapin install part. Still complaining about Snapin Hash does not exist, even tho:
While looking at the thread about the failing to add snapins, I went and looked at my ownership. It looks like it is now set to Fog:www-data Is this right?
Because a few months ago I had to run this:
chown -R fog:root /opt/fog/snapins
I don’t know where this www-data came from
This is what I mean:
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 15 09:32 log/
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 May 24 13:50 service/
drwxrwxr-x 3 fog www-data 20480 Aug 25 14:42 snapins/ -
@adukes40 this is correct. So long as the first part is fog you will be fine. The www-data is the Apache user on debian based systems. Permissions as set with that because it’s typically accessed using web calls. It’s just to ensure we can do what we need.
@Tom-Elliott Ok, just making sure something didn’t go haywire. Not sure what else to do about my snapins tho. I have a snapshot of my server from Aug 29 I can revert to, but I do not have any snapshots of my nodes
Which I assume would cause issues. Just incase we needed t explore that route.
Wait, so after I update the hash, does this need to replicate out to the nodes, because we still have the replication turned off from the other day. If it does, this might be why my remote site (where I am) still isn’t working.
@adukes40 the problem with just updating is the hash is coming from the file. Because you’re not uploading a file the hash returned is likely the same for all snapins.
@Tom-Elliott It appears the 3 snapins I “updated” all have the same hash number, at a quick glance.
@adukes40 And that’s because it’s got the hash of an empty file.
@Tom-Elliott So will need to go back in the snapin mgmt, and repoint to the file? or do I need to recreate 750 snapins?