Migration from 0.32 to 1.3.0
As I mentioned in the original post, I already fixed my issues.
My original question still remains, does something need to be mentioned on the migration wiki page about this or was it just a one off issue. If it is not an isolated issue, I think it is appropriate to let people know that they will need to setup their groups again as well as the host service settings.
@jburleson It’s not a problem, at least not one that I’m aware of. There are quite significant changes, but we should be all right. I’ll test with your DB and see if I can replicate the problem.
@Tom-Elliott Interesting post. Did you find the time to try it out? Do you have the DB dump in question?
@Sebastian-Roth I have the dump, but testing was near impossible. It was “sanitized” of the original information such as the user password and ip information. It wouldn’t allow me to communicate with the db any further.
@jburleson Could you get Tom a non-sanitized db? He is trustworthy. All of our @Senior-Developers are trustworthy.
@Wayne-Workman Yeah, give me a minute to fire up the old vm and I will generate a new dump. I have finished the migration and have changed all the passwords so that is no longer an issue. Can I still drop the history and user tracking data? There is almost 9 years worth and it makes the file around 70MB?
@jburleson Yes, please dump the irrelevant parts. The history, usertracking, and imaging logs aren’t really needed for me to try to replicate.
Never mind, I edited the file you originally sent me so I could actually use it.
Thanks for the file.
I have found and fixed both issues reported. 0.32->trunk (1.3 as well when it is released) will maintain proper group associations AND service settings for each host will be fixed as well.
@Tom-Elliott I have to say, FOG has some of the speediest devs
Y’all do great work. The migration from 0.32 to 1.3.0 was pretty straight forward and worked quited well. To be honest, I had expected more issues since I made such a big jump in versions but they were minor and easy to fix. This is a testament to how dedicated the FOG team and community are to this project.
For anyone still running 0.32 (if I was not the last hold out), the migration is straight forward. Follow the directions on the wiki and you will be up and running in no time.
Thanks for the help everyone.