R8273 - Group "Service Settings" do not apply
R8274/SVN 5764 - When using a group, if you try to set the Service Settings for the group it doesn’t apply. UI doesn’t indicate any issues, but if you check hosts that are members of the group, they do not have the settings set. Enabling/disabling services on an individual host appears to work properly.
Please update and it should be fixed.
That is the last time I take any suggestions to suppress warnings.
This, appears, to be because of the sheer number game. How many hosts are in the group?
@Tom-Elliott The one I was testing with had 30 hosts. I don’t think we have any groups with more than 60 or so.
@MRCUR This should now be fixed as well. I’m using a much faster batch insert method too.
@Tom-Elliott Seems to be working for setting everything, however, if I uncheck all the options I get a blank page with the message “No values passed”.
@MRCUR Confirmed, and should now be fixed. Thanks for reporting.
@Tom-Elliott Confirmed resolved. Thanks Tom!