Automated Deployment
@RLane I believe * means random computer name, though I am not 100% sure of that.
@Tom-Elliott I didn’t think it would let you sysprep a machine without something defined. I’ll test over the weekend. I’d be curious to know what others use during their sysprep. I’m trying to set this up so once it’s on the login screen, it’s ready to go for the end user. It’s not the end of the world having a tech login to the local admin account to trigger the reboot/rename but this would be ideal to solve properly.
@RLane In my case I don’t let the fog client name/rename the system or connect to AD. I let the sysprep unattend.xml file do that for me. I use a fog post install script to update the unattend.xml file with the machine name and I use a formula to determine the proper OU for the target computer based on the site its deployed at and the (fog) image name sent to the target computer.
and throwing this one out there for good measure too. -
@george1421 For someone who is pretty scripting-illiterate, I’ll try to read through it. If anything, all I would do is have the $hostname set the name of the actual host. I have no problem with the client joining the domain. My groups in FOG correlate to the OU that the hosts end in so that shouldn’t be an issue. Interesting tutorials though, thanks for that.
@Tom-Elliott said in Automated Deployment:
@RLane I believe * means random computer name, though I am not 100% sure of that.
This is fact, an asterisk means unique random name.
@Wayne-Workman If the field is left empty, doesn’t the /oobe trigger prompt you for a computer name?
Answer 2:
If you set the RegisteredOwner & RegisteredOrganization in the “Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup” section under oobeSystem, then the auto generated name will be prefixed by the owner then the organisation.
Should be the same as for 10
Regards X23
So excuse my ignorance here, I removed the ComputerName (*) from my unattend.xml file. After the image process completes, the computer reboots three times due to assorted FOG tasks I’m assuming.
The first reboot appears to be for system drivers, changes, etc. immediately after the completion of imaging. The second appears to be to add the computer to the domain. The third reboot is the hostname change.
If I could get it to stop here, that would be great. However, for some reason, once a user tries to log in for the first time, it will reboot the computer again.
Is this a me problem with a script/unattend issue or something by design of FOG?
@RLane the client is not built to restart a machine on user log in. Perhaps you have a first-time login script that is running?
@Joe-Schmitt My SetupComplete.bat is setting my Windows 10 KMS, Office 2016 KMS – activating both. It starts the FOG service, and deletes three files/folders (unattend, etc.)
My unattend file has nothing that I can see that would cause a reboot… hmm.
@Rlane could you send me the fog.log of a computer right after it does the user reboot? If you could also tell me at what time the user reboot happened so I can look at the fog.log at the time, it would help greatly.
Welp, I’m sorry for bugging everybody. After working on this all day and night, I found that the wrong unattend file was being used… with a restart set to hit 25 seconds after the first user logs in.
On a happy note, my Win10 deployment is finalized, so thanks all for that.
Sorry @joe-schmitt @george1421