Can't install plugins
Brand new install, Ubuntu 14.04, trunk version 7981 via git this afternoon.
Added a storage node for the first time, went great. Then went to add the location plugin, so I can direct my clients to the right storage node so they don’t pull across the WAN.
Enabled plugins in Fog settings.
Went to Activate plugins, clicked location. All good.
Went to install plugins, location listed, went into it and clicked the large “Install Plugin” button. It just loops back to that page.
Am I missing a step? I haven’t used plugins before.
You sure it is looping back? It should go to the “Installed Plugins” page after installing. and then in the top ribbon there should now be a new icon for the location plugin.
Yep, looping back. I also checked the “installed plugins” bit and it has nothing.
I’ve confirmed this at home on 7981, so I’ve moved this to bug reports.
Also, there are zero apache errors when I replicated the problem.
@Bob-Henderson just sit tight until the developers have had time to check it out.
I’m already aware of this and have this issue fixed. The only reason you don’t see it yet is it was tied in with a bunch of other edits/adds I did that are not ready for prime yet unless @joe-Schmitt can tell me the feature we are working on is good to go. As a temporary fix for this open the /var/www/html/fog/lib/pages/pluginmanagementpage.class.php and look for the
public installed_post() {
lineRight before it add
public function install_post() { return $this->installed_post(); }
Save the file and have fun installing plugins again.
I’ve confirmed that this commit is where it broke: in the
file is what did it. You made a lot of changes in that commit so I can’t pinpoint what it is. Hope that helps you. -
Issue is now pushed in latest. Please update and have your plugin installation dreams come back to fruition.