Problem with Fog version 6667
Good morning,
I updated to FOG 6667 this morning and i am unable to image a computer. This is happening on multiple computer that were working fine on previous day. I don’t see any error message either. When it is to the part Attempting to download image partclone and then the computer reboot in grub. I tried a quick image instead of assigning the task via the web gui. Same issue. I tried another image and same problem.Thank you for your help…
Hi guys, i just noticed that my reply from friday is not there. I did the installation of the last version of Fog. I still had the same problem. I then tried to install another image and this time it worked. (It did not work previously after the update!) So i used my backup copy of my images and everything is ok now. Thank you for your help again!
@sfayle ~57 seconds looks like UUIDs are being reset, and swap system reset, which I’ve never seen before. Not sure what could be causing this though.
@sfayle I think we wanted info about the sfdisk /dev/sda, not if there were errors or not.
sfdisk -d /dev/sda
Good morning everyone. This morning I updated to version 6679. I still had the same problem. I tried the command line you suggested (sfdisk -d /dev/sda) and i do not see any errors. I then tried another image and it is working. Just one image does not work. It has work before. I will upload again to see if it is working. Thank you again for your help.
While you are in debug mode, please run the command
sfdisk -d /dev/sda
. What Tom was asking is that you create a deloy task but tick the checkbox “Schedule as debug task”. As soon as you see the shell you can run that task with the commandfog
@Sebastian-Roth Here it is
Can you recreate the tasking from the GUI and set it up as a debug task?
Ok here’s the link
I am at version 6677 now. Thank you. -
Can you please take a video of this happening? We haven’t seen something like this happening before so we don’t know an easy solution yet. We need more details. Video would be a great start!
I just upgraded to version 6673 and still i have the same problem. -
I just updated to version 6669 and still same issue.