Windows 10 Image
@vbelous said:
That article needs updated. It looks like those instructions apply to fog 0.32.
I added a note at the top suggesting to use fog 1.3.0.
@Tom-Elliott any documents on this. Sorry i’m a noob when it come to linux and fogserver
Okay, so i will use these instructions from then update using
is this the correct process ? -
@vbelous I just asked the senior dev. He says you can just go straight to the latest trunk version.
Since you’re very new to FOG server I feel the need to ask if you’ve been able to make images for windows 7 or 8?
Are you just new to FOG or are you new to imaging entirely?Depending on what customizations you want to make, making an image for any version of windows isn’t all that different really.
What is your end goal here?
@Arrowhead-IT i’m taking it over from a previous user, and yes we have both 7 and 8 images
@vbelous said:
i’m taking for a previous user
I’m not sure what you mean by that
And since you have 7 and 8 images, are you running into some sort of trouble with uploading a windows 10 image or are you just worried that there’s no option to say an image is windows 10 in the older versions of fog. Setting it to windows 7 or 8 doesn’t change anything in the imaging process that I am aware of, it’s more for inventory and organization of the database as I understand it. Granted Windows 10 is an option in the latest trunks, so it doesn’t really matter.
Have you tried uploading a windows 10 image to your working image configurations for 7 and 8 and run into trouble?
Just trying to help you better here. -
@Arrowhead-IT No i haven’t, i never created a image before. The ones we have in placed right were created by a former employee.
I’m basically starting from scratch when it comes to image creation. If my current version supports windows 10 is there a major reason to upgrade ? -
@vbelous Yes, there are a million reasons to upgrade.
@Arrowhead-IT If you put it that way then i’m going to create new Ubuntu server in our VM host and then install newest trunk
@vbelous said:
@Arrowhead-IT If you put it that way then i’m going to create new Ubuntu server in our VM host and then install newest trunk
That’s exactly what I did when I took over where I work too. Never regretted it and learned more than I would have if I just tried to carry on with someone elses setup.