Boot Dell XPS 12 to USB to Network card
@Wayne-Workman said:
@Psycholiquid said:
@george1421 If this does work FOG needs to start selling USB flashdrive and USB to Ethernet packages for support money LOL.
Not a bad idea actually.
Yeah it is a bad idea, then you’ll have to support other people’s crap as well as your own.
@Psycholiquid Very nice find.
@george1421 no implied warranty - for fund raising only. Sell it as a “key chain”… that just so happens to have your USB UEFI booting stuff on it lol
Well no NIC at Walmart as advertised, I have it on order. Will see if we can resume this next week.
@Psycholiquid FWIW, Matthieu in a different thread has booted HP X2 210 tablet via a usb 3.0 ethernet adapter. He posted “I found on a store near my office that had a ASIX AX88772C” I take it that he is probably in Europe since he is done by about 10a EST.
I’m not saying that this will work with your system, just adding a data point.
@george1421 I think the ASSIX is a very good chipset, just Dell and HP are being turds about what they are supporting. I think to HP Assix will be the route and Dell it will be SMH7500 (I think that is the right designation)
@Psycholiquid Feel free to mail me the ones that don’t work.
OK peeps I finally got one that works using the PXE boot method create by @george1421 , however it will not register the host. So we are getting closer I will make a video of the process here in a little while once I get caught up on morning work. But for now here is the NIC and chipset that is working, it also works on Surfaces.
StarTech USB 2.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
Part# USB21000S2Chipset ID SMSC - LAN7500
@Psycholiquid Just for clarity, when you say it will not register. Do you mean that the kernel will not boot or the kernel boots but it panics? I’m just trying to draw a parallel here. There are three threads with basically the same issue (unable to efi boot newer equipment).
@george1421 It boots fine into the kernel. Once it gets into the FOG menu and I hit full registration it goes through the motions of inventorying, but never sends the info off. Just blinks and makes a new line forever.
Like I said getting closer, the video I will make today will show all the steps.
@Psycholiquid Well actually you are a ton closer that the other folks where they can’t get the kernel to boot period.
That is where we were at the FOS/FLOGGER (my preference is now FOSL for this usb boot). If you boot from this FOSL usb with your current nic that pxe boots. With the FOSL kernel, can you confirm you have an IP address (one reason why the FOS inventory program can’t submit). Just issue a
ip addr show
command at the linux prompt. You should see an IP address for eth0.There is no rush to do this since I know you are busy. Just when you get around to it. The video will be helpful too, but we need to ensure the client can get to the network. We may have you use a wget command just to see if you can pluck something off the fog server too.
@george1421 Where do I find the FOSL file. I am using the file from the site you had on the other post to create the efi file.
@Psycholiquid (Use method #3)
What this does is create a usb boot of the FOG OS in a live boot mode. This allows the devs to be able to see what the FOG client OS sees in a manual mode. This way they can check what drivers are loaded or other things that can’t be done non-interactively. You can’t image, inventory, or capture from this image, its just a debug command shell.
You are now way pas the pxe/efi issue of the others. Now we are down to a FOG issue. It may be an efi or diver issue, but the FOG kernel has booted on your device so this IS a fog issue.
@george1421 Roger that, I’ll give a try after my meeting
Moving to new post. This has gotten a little to unruly
Ok, marked as solved for now. People who want to keep following, see here (mind this is about PXE booting a Surface 4 now).