CentOS 7 - Storage Node installation fails
Solved - sort of. I found a work-around.
The Storage Node installation process is still broken.
I started the installation as a FULL normal installation. I simply waited until the installer got done with installing
and after it said “OK”, I cancelled that installation and then installed as a storage node and it worked.Now I’m dealing with “Setting up storage … failed”
Working with that now…
After simply re-running the installer again for the storage node installation, it succeeded. I didn’t change anything. It’s crazy.
@Wayne-Workman said:
Error: Package: php-fpm-5.4.16-36.el7_1.x86_64
Really strange. Seams like it wants to install version 5.4.16 of php-fpm eventhough you seam to have all the other php packages from remi (version 5.6.16-1.el7.remi). Not sure what’s going on. php-fpm is here: http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/7/php56/x86_64/repoview/
I had the same issue as @Wayne-Workman on NEW node install only…Per Wayne I ran installer as "N"ormal mode up to php-fpm installation said OK. Then re-ran installer as "S"torage and it worked fine.
I have a new issue now after this…I had this particular node disabled (old node) when I ran installer for server to update to SVN 5700. After logging back into web UI the storage node is no longer listed…After editing database for storage node, it will not "sync"with server for some reason. Is it ok to delete the node in database and recreate ? Is this what I should do as solution ?
@Hanz It’s fine to delete it.
It’s probably your FTP credentials, or, the FOGImageReplicator isn’t running on the web-server, or the firewall or SELinux is turned on for the node. or an incorrect image path or IP… any of those things would break it.
The new node is in the same storage group as the master?
@Wayne-Workman Triple checked all passwords and such along with selinux and firewalld
@Wayne-Workman when I tried ftp’ing to the server it said ftp wasn’t installed on new node.
this is from /opt/fog/.fogsettings
packages = "httpd php-process";
Other nodes don’t have anything listed here
@Hanz Those two packages are correct.
The “packages” area in .fogsettings is relatively new - the developers added it maybe two months or so ago… Don’t really remember.
I stand corrected, Tom says the storage node installation should have all the packages included.
@Wayne-Workman That’s odd as all my other existing storage nodes, after update, have the packages= " " empty.
@Wayne-Workman UPDATE Apparently disabling firewalld.service didn’t stick. Working now
my apologies for assuming it was set correctly. -
Solved the thread as the issue wasn’t something the installer or bug in fog…directly. It was apparently related to firewalld? Of course more confirmation could be useful.