Service Restart
I don’t know if this has been asked or not but a quick link to a service restart would be nice. OR to be able to enable disable as needed.
I don’t understand the request?
@Tom-Elliott I think he’s referring to local-server services.
@Psycholiquid The new fog client release candidate (version 0.10 I think) runs just fine on Linux. You could install the client on the fog server and any storage nodes you have, and then use snapins to issue orders via a bash shell script.
@Wayne-Workman I still don’t understand. The service library that controls the start/stop/restart of the fog services should mean that nothing has to controlled by the gui and/or user.
@Tom-Elliott Right, but maybe he’s talking about DHCP or NFS or something like that? I see DHCP being the most commonly enabled/disabled thing. I control it pretty tightly at the house, and when I was running a test build at work, I controlled DHCP on the test build really tightly too.
He might even be talking about firewall or SELinux… @Psycholiquid ???
@Psycholiquid Webmin ?
@Tom Elliot @Wayne Workman @ch3i
Actually I was talking about Replication Service or Apache2 or anything really related to FOG in a button format. I know how to install Webmin and throw commands but for some that is a bit daunting, I just envision a button that throws the command for them but also outputs to the screen not interactive but kinda like Exchange does when you setup a user or group or whatnot. Making it more of a learning tool. Teaching while empowering. So when you tell someone for instance to restart Apache and they come back with how? You can point them to this page / button and they will be able to and also see the command in case they want to learn more.
And this is just a request I don’t expect it be filled just throwing it out there. A wish list so to speak.