No Username and Password Populated After Storage Node Install
It only shows this information on the first install of a node. The reasoning is security related, partially. I can fix it but it’s not high on my list right now.
This is my first install on this machine. Is there a config file that I can pull these credentials from?
While Tom may have to confirm, as far as I know you don’t log into a storage only. Only the main node has the ability to login. I think the last time I tried I to connect to a storage node /fog folder there was a basic message saying you can’t login here.
I’m not trying to log into my storage node. I’m trying to find the credentials so I can add the node to my main FOG server. I have attempted this on 2 virtual machines, and I even reinstalled Ubuntu and attempted these installations again, and it still won’t populate.
I’m not sure why it’s not populating the info properly, but i can look into it.
For now, run:
cat /opt/fog/.fogsettings
It should have the populated password for the storage node user/password information you need.
@cassie_280 What version of FOG? What version of Ubuntu?
@Wayne-Workman FOG 1.2.0 Ubuntu 14
@cassie_280 I know you have another thread open. Is this still an issue? Have you tried to manually set the settings and re-run the installer?
@Wayne-Workman I believe the problem is the use of 1.2.0. Fog did not have the variables that is being expected. I did test the installer for current and all is working properly from what I could test.
While not an optimal answer I think it’s really the only one I can give.
@Tom-Elliott What version of FOG and OS would you recommend?
@Wayne-Workman I have re-run the installer several times on my storage node, I have not on my main FOG server.
@cassie_280 Delete the /opt/fog/.fogsettings file and then try to re-run the installer.
@Wayne-Workman I have reinstalled Ubuntu from scratch (we used a snapshot before) and reinstalled FOG. I have noticed that I have issues where the images I am uploading are being saved as /image/dev/MAC Address] Which probably explains the other forum I have open where my images won’t deploy. I remember seeing the same issue in my previous install, I just didn’t understand what was happening. I can fix this issue by moving the file and renaming it, but I need a permanent fix, so I don’t have to do this for every image.
I have tried running chown and chmod commands for the /images folder and I still haven’t had any luck. Do you think these problems may all be related? Possibly something being messed up with my FTP credentials or something?
@cassie_280 said:
Possibly something being messed up with my FTP credentials or something?
The problem you’ve just described is typically caused by FTP Credentials being mismatched. There is a wiki article on just that, and the article has a section about credentials. Here’s the link:
Turns out that my issue was as FTP based. I had mismatched credentials in my Main Server that was also causing my images to get stuck in the /images/dev folder. Once I solved this issue, the nodes worked perfectly.
Thanks so much!