SVN 3480 Setting up and starting MySQL...error
Centos 7 default mariadb-server
Right. Do the MySQL commands not work with it?
Either way, I think you should try to uninstall it and then re-run your FOG installer.
Again, only delete your DB if you have it backed up.
yum remove mysql-client mysql-server mysql-common mysql-devel
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
No Match for argument: mysql-client
No Match for argument: mysql-server
No Match for argument: mysql-common
No Match for argument: mysql-devel
No Packages marked for removalyum remove mariadb-libs.x86_64 mariadb-server.x86_64
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/
rm -rf /etc/my.cnf
yum install mariadb-libs.x86_64 mariadb-server.x86_64- Setting up and starting MySQL…error reading information on service mysqld: No such file or directory
Try these?
[CODE]sudo yum remove MariaDB-client MariaDB-server
sudo yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client[/CODE] -
RHVER=rpm -qa | grep release | xargs rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' | cut -c -1
receive wrong value if atomic repo installedrpm -qa | grep release
centos-release-7-1.1503.el7.centos.2.8.x86_64rpm -qa | grep release | xargs rpm -q --queryformat ‘%{VERSION}’ | cut -c -1
echo -n " * Setting up and starting MySQL…";
if [ “$RHVER” == “7” -o “$linuxReleaseName” == “Fedora” ]“$RHVER” == “1”
Setting up and starting MySQL… error$RHVER must be something like:
/bin/rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release --qf “%{VERSION}\n” -
@sgennadi so…what’s this mean?
What mean if you have repo installed with release file like , environment variable $rhver receive value 1 not 7 on centos/rhel 7… So detection of mariadb server not happening and mysql server absent by default on centos/rhel 7… What cause error :
Setting up and starting MySQL…error reading information on service mysqld: No such file or directory -
SVN 3493 not fix issue with rhel/centos 7 update 1
RHVER=awk ‘{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == “release”) print $(i+1)}’ /etc/redhat-release
Receive Value = 7.1.1503RHVER=
echo ${RHVER%.*}
Receive Value = 7.1
echo -n " * Setting up and starting MySQL…";
if [ “7.1” == “7” -o “$linuxReleaseName” == “Fedora” ]; then
systemctl enable mariadb.service >/dev/null 2>&1;
systemctl restart mariadb.service >/dev/null 2>&1;
else -
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "release") print $(i+1)}' /etc/redhat-release | cut -d. -f 1
;Solve problem
Can someone please explain what file this “fix” applies and maybe a bit more info for noobs like me to fix it ?
Thanks ! -
@Rusty This particular thread’s solution is quite old. Tom has since made many changes to how the installer handles this. I think it’s best to wait for @Tom-Elliott 's input.
@Wayne-Workman Thanks Wayne. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Mariadb. Fog installer recognises Mariadb has been installed but:
* Setting up and starting MySQL...Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable mysqld.service'. Failed to issue method call: No such file or directory OK * Backing up user reports...OK * Setting up and starting Apache Web Server...Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable httpd.service'. Failed! (3)
@Rusty what version of fog are you running? What OS and version of it too?
For the record, I just did a clean installation using SVN 4330 and CentOS 7 fully updated and it went just fine.
I am running CentOS 7 with the latest FOG version
I am starting from scratch so I might just continue with that first…
@Wayne-Workman did you follow all steps here ? -
@Rusty No. After helping here so much and learning so much about fog and linux, I don’t even follow instructions anymore. I just wing it. Like you would wing installing a new program on Windows.
lets see, I think I can fit the entire installation into one single line…
Execute this as root.
yum update -y;yum install subversion -y;setenforce 0;systemctl stop firewalld;cd ~;mkdir svn;cd svn;svn co;cd trunk/bin;./
of course that just stops SELinux and Firewall, it doesn’t disable them. I think that article needs re-written, it was last modified in February 2015. A lot has changed since then.
And it looks like it gives you directions to install fog 0.32. Fog stable is 1.2.0, and Fog Trunk can install on CentOS 7 without any modifications besides selinux and firewall.
If you want something more comprehensive and up-to-date, the Fedora 21 server article works on CentOS 7, there are notes on the one line that need altered or discarded for CentOS 7 and Fedora 22 server.
That’s a great line @Wayne-Workman !
Installed without a hitch.Both time I have installed FOG though, the password given at the end of the install doesn’t work.
Last time I looked up how to change it, after that I could log into the web interface.