Image download is stuck at 99%
@Tune389 Seems to be a diskpart problem :
DISKPART DISKPART> list volume DISKPART> select volume C (in your case it is the C partition) DISKPART> extend filesystem DISKPART> exit
What version of FOG, exactly?
I’m currently running a test to see if I can replicate the issue you’re describing. If I can replicate the issue, I can typically fix the issue altogether.
@Tom-Elliott said:
I’m currently running a test to see if I can replicate the issue you’re describing. If I can replicate the issue, I can typically fix the issue altogether.
thank you
@Wayne-Workman said:
What version of FOG, exactly?
Version: 1.3 (3388)
@ch3i yes that work
SVN 3477 Should fix this for you. Hopefully…4 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 645 deletions(-)
@Tom-Elliott I’m now on 3480, but I can’t create a download Task (Upload is working).
Failed to create deployment tasking for the following hosts
You must first upload an image to create a download task -
@ch3i I changed the ftp password (it was wrong) but its still not working. I can enter the ftp with the logins from: FOG System Settings -> tftp-server -> FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME/FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD, no problems here:
@Tune389 When you go on the image managment page and list all image, can you view images sizes ?
@ch3i yes, but one isn’t on the server (/images)
@ch3i I dont’t understand that
When I start the task over -> Task Management -> list all hosts -> Download its successfully starting the task (only the task) but over Host Management -> list all hosts -> donwload -> The Error appears (At booth Images 20150526 and 20150527). When I upload the Image (Image-20150527) Its still not on the Server in /Images
@Tune389 In you /dev/XXXXXXXX maybe ?
@ch3i nothing …
Is it possible for you to give your FOG server a reboot?
@ch3i only one storage, I tried to download the “ghost Image” over the task management, now it displays 0.0GB.
@Wayne-Workman yes I try it. -
@Tune389 If the reboot don’t solve your problem, check your FOG log files or try your task in debug mode.
@ch3i still same problem, after a upload the Image have a size but don’t exist.
and there are no errors in the log files … -
I thought we were troubleshooting “Downloads”.
Uploads is a totally different story.
Please check your FTP credentials inside your storage node, and in FOG Configuration -> Fog Settings -> TFTP_FTP credentials.
Also, please look inside of /images/dev and see if there is a directory in there with a MAC address on it.
Also, please check this out: