Let's make scripts!
I’m just going to throw my 2 cents in here. I think what you guys are doing is fantastic. It may be best to outline what debugging information is vital for us, and build the scripts off that. What you’ve posted is great, but I’d like to see a ‘standard’ for the scripts, a list of what information and in what format. That way you/we can build scripts for all platforms that output the same information in the same format.
If these scripts gain some ground, we could even include them in the repository.
I agree wholesomely.
if the commands differ for a different distribution, we can just include all the commands, right?
The ones that don’t work will just error out.
I’ll see what I can throw together.
I second that emotion
Most of what I do at this point is google and cut and paste to my command line while I am learning a lot as I go along it is a very steep learning curve and this would go a long way to helping you guys who have been so very helpful better understand what the hell we did to our servers this time.
Following up on this, I THINK I have the Fedora 21 portion completed…
You will find the file attached, along with the output as well (because it’s really long).Ideally, the command groups will go to their designated OS output file.
For example, I’ve got Fedora 21 command output going to /tmp/Fedora21Fog.txt
Ubuntu could be /tmp/UbuntuX.xFog.txt or something.If at all possible, I’d really like some help to convert all of these commands to Ubuntu equivalents, and eventually other OSs too.
Opinions/thoughts/contributions welcome and wanted.
Hacked one together for Debian which may cover Ubuntu as well. I am not sure on the DHCP status and config portion, but I will set up a server to test tonight.
You can create a single script for each version using uname like this :
[CODE]DISTRIB_NAME=($(uname -v | grep -w -o “Debian|Ubuntu|Redhat|Fedora”)) # add other redhat/debian basedif [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Debian” ] || [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Ubuntu” ] || [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Other_Debian_Based” ]
your instructions here;
elif [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Fedora” ] || [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Redhat” ] || [ “$DISTRIB_NAME” == “Other_Redhat_Based” ]
your instructions here;
Ch3i. -
Pulled code from the FOG installer scripts to come up with the combination. I left Arch commented out at the end of the script if anyone wants to give a go at it. If not I can after testing completes next week.
[quote=“cml, post: 45691, member: 28688”]cml[/quote]
Thank you for the logic, it’s exactly what was needed![quote=“ch3i, post: 45671, member: 2513”]Ch3i.[/quote]
Thanks for taking the time to convert the commands to Debian, and putting together all the code.I’ve made a few small changes - mostly to simplify things a bit more.
I’ve changed the output path to whatever directory it’s run from.
I also changed the Fedora output from “Fedora21Fog.txt” to just “FedoraFog.txt”
I changed the name of the file to simply “troubleshoot.sh” for simplicity and obviousness.It works beautifully on Fedora 21.
If anyone can think of anything else that should be included in the checks, suggestions are welcome.
If someone can test the Debian portions to see if they work on Ubuntu, that’d be great because Ubuntu is the most used distro for FOG.
And, as we can, get people to continue adding to the script for other distros of Linux.Before you know it, we will have a one-stop-shop for information collection to aid in troubleshooting - be it here on the forums, or to help people with a starting place so they can help themselves.
The latest script is attached.
[B]OSs covered so far:[/B]
Fedora 20/21
Few changes.
Ubuntu had to be run with sudo, so added a root check to the beginning of the file.
Ubuntu also has UFW as a firewall, added a check for that.
Changed the Debian/Ubuntu version check to ‘lsb_release -a’ to get more information.
Pointed the log file to a variable that is $Distro-Fog.txt
The script now overwrites the log if ran again.Script and Debian/Ubuntu logs attached.
Tom helped with a command to convert the output file to windows-friendly text. I’ve added this at the very bottom of the script.
Latest and greatest is attached.
Here’s a more refined version. This particular should work on CentOS/Redhat (in general e.g. 5,6,7) and Fedora.
It also prints that the file is complete and where it can be located.
Here’s slightly more refined. Log items are somewhat nice now (more informative). Theres also a lot more checking.
Now that’s awesome. This is going to be a major help for troubleshooting!
Can we sticky this and add to the wikki.
When I ran the latest version in this thread I got the following output in terminal.
./troubleshoot.sh: line 19: [: : integer expression expected
rpcbind: unrecognized service
nfs: unrecognized service
iptables: unrecognized service
Usage FOGMulticastManager {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGSnapinReplicator {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGImageReplicator {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGScheduler {start|stop|restart}
Script Completed Wed May 6 16:10:25 CDT 2015
Your logfile can be found in /home/jhales/test/FOGtroubleshoot.log[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1977_FOGtroubleshoot.log.txt?:”]FOGtroubleshoot.log.txt[/url]
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 46119, member: 7271”]Here’s slightly more refined. Log items are somewhat nice now (more informative). Theres also a lot more checking.[/quote]
Is it possible to had it in the web interface ?
Ch3i. -
[quote=“Joseph Hales, post: 46929, member: 18131”]When I ran the latest version in this thread I got the following output in terminal.
./troubleshoot.sh: line 19: [: : integer expression expected
rpcbind: unrecognized service
nfs: unrecognized service
iptables: unrecognized service
Usage FOGMulticastManager {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGSnapinReplicator {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGImageReplicator {start|stop|restart}
Usage FOGScheduler {start|stop|restart}
Script Completed Wed May 6 16:10:25 CDT 2015
Your logfile can be found in /home/jhales/test/FOGtroubleshoot.log[/quote]Hi,
For the status of FOG services I have submit modifications here : [url]http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/add-the-status-of-fog-services-in-the-command-service.12912/[/url]
Ch3i. -
I will work on integrating these.
Tom, is the latest and greatest the last thing you’ve posted?
Where in the SVN is this being placed or is it not part of it then?