Problem uploading image - size only 58MB
new to FOG, just installed it in a virtualbox for testing purposes, but can’t do basic task as upload image to server. Uploading finishes after few seconds (time estimate cca 30min) with no error, PC restarts, and size of the image is only 58 MB or 0. Tried single disk, tried all disk, same result. Can the virtualbox be source of this problem (everything else works fine)? Or some setting I missed? -
What version of FOG?
What OS is FOG installed on?
What was the system that performed the update? I’m assuming you have a “master” image you’re trying to upload?
How much disk space is on the FOG Server?
What else have you tried?
No error message, won’t be easy to find the problem then. Start off with running a “debug upload session”. Click on the host, then Basic Tasks and from there schedule “debug upload”. Hopefully we get more information about what’s wrong with that.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43269, member: 7271”]What version of FOG?
What OS is FOG installed on?
What was the system that performed the update? I’m assuming you have a “master” image you’re trying to upload?
How much disk space is on the FOG Server?
What else have you tried?[/quote]
FOG is installed on Debian 6.0, FOG is latest stable build 1.2.0
Not sure what “master” image is, I am just testing FOG for our purpose of deploying/cloning image on multiple new computers due to arrive. Uploading image from older Windows XP machine (HP Compaq dc7700), PC is registered in fog, created new task to upload image from host, FOG booted from network OK, image upload begins with ETA cca 30 min, after 15s max of uploading message about uploading finnished shows and PC reboots back to Windows - same for Single disk, or All disks.
FOG server is installed in the virtual box, where disk space is dynamic - on the main machine there is over 100GB of free space. I tried uploading some bigger file to the debian server via ftp with fog user credentials, and no problem there…
I tried creating new image for the host on web, new storage, few times register pc again (ot related to this problem) etc… Nothing special as I am new to FOG. I expected at least uploading image to work “out of the box” and was prepared only to tests deploying this image
And of course I searched this forum, but when I found some uploading problem thread, there was always some error message with it, which I dont have - all seems as uploading procces was successful but was not.
I ask the questions I do because it sounds like the space where /images is being placed is not large enough to store the data.
That aside, be aware, while XP was supported, there was a problem I overlooked in 1.2.0 with downloading the XP/Vista images back to other machines. This has been fixed in SVN/Trunk of FOG.
Uploads were not affected, and the fact that it’s giving you an ETA to finish shows that the upload process (by itself) is working, but my guess is on the FOG server /images is not sized out properly.
[quote=“Uncle Frank, post: 43270, member: 28116”]No error message, won’t be easy to find the problem then. Start off with running a “debug upload session”. Click on the host, then Basic Tasks and from there schedule “debug upload”. Hopefully we get more information about what’s wrong with that.[/quote]
Some basic info about hosts image file in image.
After starting fog script some info about preparing upload, and after few “Enters” uploading begins, stops after few seconds again with message “* Image uploaded”
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43273, member: 7271”]I ask the questions I do because it sounds like the space where /images is being placed is not large enough to store the data.
That aside, be aware, while XP was supported, there was a problem I overlooked in 1.2.0 with downloading the XP/Vista images back to other machines. This has been fixed in SVN/Trunk of FOG.
Uploads were not affected, and the fact that it’s giving you an ETA to finish shows that the upload process (by itself) is working, but my guess is on the FOG server /images is not sized out properly.[/quote]
Thanks for warning about problem with XP, but if we will use this at the end, there will be Windows 7 machines probably. And yes my guess was disk free size problem also, but then I tried upload 500MB file to the same virtiabox via FTP and it worked. Could try to convert virtualbox disk to static, but not sure if it helps. -
How many partitions are on the Windows XP image?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 43277, member: 7271”]How many partitions are on the Windows XP image?[/quote]
One - 80GB, cca 10GB used.
Just noticed, the FOG dashboard page shows disk free 0%, same for df command - not sure how this virtualbox dynamic volume works, but can imagine it could some problems, if the image creating utilit is checking free space during the proccess.But still able to upload any files via FTP to this machine.
did you change the size of the virtual disk? the default is 8GB
Problem was with the available free space (it was combination of virtual disk setup and linux installation). Creating my first image now, seems ok so far. Thanks you all for pointing me to right direction.