FOG 2734: HostnameChanger doesn't work.
On a newly imaged system, the hostname never changes. Here’s the relevant section of the fog.log:
[CODE] 12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to connect to fog server…
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Module is active…
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Could not find any recognizable digits.
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::HostnameChanger at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToByte(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.hexToByte(String hex)
at FOG.FOGCrypt.decryptHex(String hex)
at FOG.HostNameChanger.changeHostName()[/CODE]Don’t know if it’s related, but there appears to be an issue with AutoLogOut as well.
[CODE] 12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Module is active…
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Timeout value is Zero, disabling module.
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::AutoLogOut The path is not of a legal form.
12/12/2014 12:25 PM FOG::AutoLogOut at System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast(String path, Boolean fullCheck)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(String path)
at System.Drawing.IntSecurity.UnsafeGetFullPath(String fileName)
at System.Drawing.IntSecurity.DemandReadFileIO(String fileName)
at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement)
at FOG.AutoLogOut.doWork()[/CODE]I’ve also attached the full fog.log
EDIT: The full log appears to have sections omitted. Well, you have what I know.
Can you try the latest and greatest 2789?
Oof… Having a read only Friday.
I’ll try later. Not near the server at the moment.
Same issue with 2789
I don’t know what was causing the problem, but I just tested every item I could think of on the client and everything passed with flying colors. The ONLY thing I did not test was AD joining, though I believe it should work.
Hopefully all of this works.
I can confirm this. The hostname changes if the computer is not marked to add to AD. However, it still won’t join the AD after it’s been marked to do so.
I’m having this issue to. However I’m not sure if I’m on 2789 or not. Where would I look in fog to find that out and if I’m not how would I update it.
The cloud icon of the GUI should show the version. If you’re on SVN version it’ll show something like 2798, if on a “stable” version it should show 1.X.X
I’m currently on 1.2.0. Is there an update I can grab that can hopefully fix this issue or should I wait for the new release which looks like might fix a bunch of issues since the code was reworked.