Fog Service and Domain Joining
Just a quick post, i’m not knocking the Fog service but i don’t use any other function but the domain join and don’t need a needless systray icon, so i did a bit of digging and found a way to join the domain using unattend.xml while building my deployment images. The method is in this link:
The one thing i did differently is drop the MachineOU, it’s optional and after adding this to my image, it booted joined to the domain. I hope this helps people.
Edit: Just a quick edit, MachineOU is needed, although unattend.xml documentation says it’s optional, go figure.
The Fog Service isn’t “a needless systray icon” If you only use for it is to join the domain then the more power to you!
BUT…the Fog Service does plenty!
[]Auto Logout --> Logs user out after x mins of inactivity
[]Client Updater --> Personally haven’t played with this
[]Directory Cleaner --> can set to clean out tmp folders and other specific folders
[]Display Manager --> Force a resolution size
[]Green FOG --> Shutdown/reboot services
[]Host Registration --> Not currently working (at least i think)
[]Hostname Changer --> changes name of the host to the host name listed in fog for that mac
[]Printer Manager --> manages printer installs
[]Snapin Client --> Program installs and roll outs
[]Task Reboot --> reboots host
[]User Cleanup --> deletes all users except for specific users listed
[]User Tracker --> makes a log of what users login to any of your registered fog machines
[FONT=Ubuntu][COLOR=#555555]so it DOESN’T mean its use lessand yes thank you for sharing the XML it will be useful.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Bleh nevermind, this works but not terribly well for imaging, i get a Security Error after I attempt to log in to the imaged PC. Seems like that the domain join is done before the computer name change in the unattend.xml. Messing with this has gotten more complicated.
You can hide the tray icon before you upload the image and delete the all programs folder. The Fog service will still run and you get the benefits from it however the local user won’t see it.
I just ended up deleting the Startup Icon in my batchscript, thanks!
Do Auto-Logout and Display Manager work now in Windows 7?
Last time I read they only worked in XP. They would be really useful for us.
[quote=“YuYo, post: 31202, member: 3300”]Do Auto-Logout and Display Manager work now in Windows 7?
Last time I read they only worked in XP. They would be really useful for us.[/quote]
Auto log out has never “not” worked, but it works no matter what from my understanding. Meaning if you set 10 minutes for the autologout. It doesn’t matter if the person is working, 10 minutes In they’ll be logged out.
I don’t believe Display Manager is working for Windows 7 or 8.
For Auto-Logout we are using a workaround. It’s a Windows Screensaver that logs the user out (forcing or not to close the apps), shutdowns the computer, etc.
You can even customize the message box, text, its colors, etc.
It is called Windows Screensaver Operations ([url][/url])
You could always write a script to uninstall the client service once you’re finished with it and push it out via Group Policy.