Bugs in FOG 1.0.0
[quote=“pmonstad, post: 26576, member: 17422”]Broken GUI when editing a group. Running latest 1.0.0 I do the following: Group Management -> List All Groups -> hit one of my groups and the GUI layout is broken as screenshot shows: [url]http://awesomescreenshot.com/0e82r39741[/url][/quote]
I get the broken UI, actually unable to do anything from server/fog/management with rev 1573
[URL=‘https://www.dropbox.com/s/1m36ai072ux8yv3/2014-05-05 09_06_53-lubuntu [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox.png’]see pic[/URL]
Can you guys please go to the page, then give me the last few lines of your error logs so I can better track this issue as I can’t seem to replicate it. I did find another issue on the Dashboard Page, but that has been corrected for in 1574.
1574 issue solved, unable to give logs on 1573
1574: when I create a new group and click add the page becomes blank. When i go back into fog the group is successfully created
Commiting now for the fix for this issue. 1575.
Found more errors. Sorry about Group management. it was a pain. All should work properly now. 1576
1575: i had this in 1574 I had to go to Storage Management, edit my storage and check the box to enable graph
[quote=“falko, post: 26586, member: 48”]1575: i had this in 1574 I had to go to Storage Management, edit my storage and check the box to enable graph[/quote]
That is correct. The “isGraphEnabled (On Dashboard)” feature actually works as it Should work.
its working, just I had to enable separately. Thought it was enabled on dashboard by default
(may just have been my machine)
thanks for the quick updates -
Originally the isGraphEnabled field was not set on a fresh install. Chuck and I corrected this yesterday to enable by default now that the field is actually being used. Hope this helps.
[quote=“pmonstad, post: 26574, member: 17422”]As you wanted the old 0.33 bug thread to be closed I report here: The problem with deploying win7 reported a week ago is solved in version 1.0.0 and it works like a sharm. No problems with upload or download.
There is one small thing which could be sorted out: FOG Configuration tells [SIZE=4][FONT=arial][COLOR=red][B]You are not running the most current version of FOG! Latest version is 0.32[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]
As falko stated, this isn’t so much an issue as it is returning the latest stable release which 0.32 is correct. I could adjust the version comparison file so it checks if you’re using this or greater but I think it serves the point better to inform the user of the latest stable version as there may be periods where running the latest does not necessarily mean it will work better. People often become too comfortable if things don’t blatantly warn them of issues as is the case here. -
There are still problems with groups. The problem when searching for hosts and no group options in buttom of the list is still there. The fix is to show complete list first, then search again. The options to add to existing or create new group then appears as expected.
The big issue is it is not possible to add hosts to a new group. I get this error:
Failed to Associate Hosts with Group
No Hosts were selectedRunning latest release of today on Centos 5.
When showing list of active tasks the bar is put on top of the client in the list first. After the first update the graph is put under the client in the list.
To reproduce: Start a task (upload/download). Show active tasks. Then you will see how the graph is suddenly moving from top to bottum of the client info.
This has been corrected for in r1608.
It is erroring out on me when I go to upload an image. Does this if i select partimage or partclone… any ideas?
What I did was copy an existing image from a 0.32 box (set to partImage), deploy to a machine, this was my attempt to re-upload it to a new image definition (tried partimage and partclone with no success)
Also, it is an MBR partition, not GPT. Optiplex 3020. Sorry to keep posting but I can’t edit my posts in Firefox. Get a blank window.
Did you do a scrub on the hard drive that you are attempting to image? Could it have GPT garbage left over on it?
This PC was imaged with a known good image. I then updated the image and am attempting to upload the new one. There is no GPT stuff that I can see.
I did notice that for some reason there was 4.6gb unallocated space, I just extended the primary
drive into that and am going to try uploading again.
[quote=“pac1085, post: 26729, member: 144”]This PC was imaged with a known good image. I then updated the image and am attempting to upload the new one. There is no GPT stuff that I can see.
I did notice that for some reason there was 4.6gb unallocated space, I just extended the primary
drive into that and am going to try uploading again.[/quote]
You could try blasting the partitions and recreating a basic one and downloading the image (from 0.32 because deleting the partitions will obviously destroy the data on them). You can do so with a live linux CD, you can use a windows disc to delete and re-instate the ntfs partitions, or you can use the debug mode of fog to edit and create partitions.
I would start with a partition I knew was absolutely correct and download my image, then I would try to upload to the new server.
I would do this to make sure that any previous existing partition data isn’t causing troubles.
Then I would step it a little further, such as pushing the image from 0.32 and allowing the image to complete its setup on that machine to verify that nothing is corrupt and the image is still complete. There you could do some troubleshooting and tweaking to help figure out why it is failing on the next upload. If your image installed okay and you didn’t find any issues, I would run a compatibility check on the machine, fog will tell you if it finds something that will make it unhappy.
This will help us to determine where and why your image is failing so we correct the issue, be it the image, the hardware, or a problem with the code.
Is the machine you are using a new machine? Have you imaged on it before? How old is the machine? Could it be possible that the hard drive could have complications or could be failing? Have you trying running a disk repair after deploying to see if that would have any affect before uploading it again?