LDAP Plugin
@Fernando-Gietz You might be arguing with us here.
@astrugatch Actually I had 636 as LDAPS port in mind as well but searching the web I find a lot of information in 686 too - e.g.
- https://books.google.de/books?id=0SIdBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA735&lpg=PA735&dq=ldaps+port+"686"&source=bl&ots=xmLPjz7f6g&sig=ACfU3U01fReDjcN7378sXzxx-cVNMI59TQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJ8Jacq7vnAhUSzaQKHXWPCCIQ6AEwEnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=ldaps port "686"&f=false
- http://www.hasslinger.com/microsoft/sites/server/dotnet/grund/active_directory_ports.html
I’ve only ever used 636 and running into this is the first time i’ve ever seen 686. It more sparked my interest considering its different on the pane to create the LDAP connection than it is to edit the ldap making me think it was a typo on one or the other.
Hi @astrugatch!
Which version of LDAP plugin are you using? You can see it in Plugins -> Installed Plugins. The last one is 1.5.5_1
If you have a previous versions, the error will appear. Is a typo error.
In the last version the error is fixed, in this version you can setup the ports (by default only appears 389 and 636) from FOG settings page. -
@Fernando-Gietz said in LDAP Plugin:
The last one is 1.5.5_1
Well I suppose we have the latest version in the github repo https://github.com/FOGProject/fogproject/blob/dev-branch/packages/web/lib/plugins/ldap/config/plugin.config.php#L28
As @astrugatch is using Dev Branch this should be the latest.
Umm … strange. The dropbox entries are dynamic, these values are config in the FOG Settings -> Plugin: LDAP -> ports
When you install the plugin, the install process does an insert query to setup the ports:
. " ('LDAP_PORTS','Insert the different ports comma separated.', '389,636','Plugin: LDAP')",
@astrugatch do you make a fresh install of FOG or an update?
@astrugatch @Fernando-Gietz Now is port 636… Seems like Tom just pushed a fix the other night: https://github.com/FOGProject/fogproject/commit/97b57acea9ae742569ef31ae7792b1237d423cd8
It was a fresh install but I migrated my DB from my old install before enabling ldap which originated at 1.5.0 RCX upgrading up to current.
The LDAP ports are saved in the DB, globalSettings table. If you migrated the database is possible that the old ports were migrated too.
For 1.5.X LDAP ports were being applied within the database, but not used in all areas. I have since fixed this so it will use the ports list defined by the user instead of predetermined ports.