Group deploy/multi-cast problem
@javics I don’t understand what you mean.
If you deleted the image, the folder is still there? is it /images/<yourimagepathname>.
@Tom-Elliott Sorry, I deleted the image from the GUI and the image itself still resides in /images. I have to delete the image manually from my FOG server.
@javics Well, when you deleted the image, did you delete from GUI in RC-14? (Of which the delete issue was known about.)
If you deleted the image from the server, then it doesn’t exist, there’s nothing to download it from.
@Tom-Elliott Got ya. Ill try that now. Thank you sir.
@javics What will you try? Downloading/Multicast won’t be able to happen if the image doesn’t exist. Did you upload and it stayed under /images/dev?
@Tom-Elliott Try to upload a new image with RC - 16 since the image that was already uploaded was from RC - 14. When I uploaded it with RC- 14 and I just deleted the image from /images nothing was or stayed in /images/dev.
@Tom-Elliott Uploaded image only resided in /images when I uploaded with RC -14.
I don’t know why you had to delete the image though (but you’re welcome to do what you want.)
Images didn’t change at all, just the ability to delete them (as properly needed) was what was corrected for.
@Tom-Elliott You’re right. It’s currently a test box I want to make sure everything is golden.
the problem still exists in
Running Version 1.3.0-RC-19
SVN Revision: 6003Deploy an single host ist fine, but multicast to an Group doesn´t work. (with Fedora 24)
@Christian It does work. What’s not working for you (specifically?) We need details. As specific as you can provide.
@Tom-Elliott ok, i will try. it seems to be the same as described by davido38
•FOG Version: 1.3 RC19
•OS: Fedora 24 ServerClient
•OS: Windows 7Description
I cannot deploy or multi-cast in a group, I have this message :
Theres no image definitions available on any node for the hosts in this Group
cannot deploy or multi-cast in a group, I have this message :
Theres no image definitions available on any node for the hosts in this group
but Image definitions is ok for all hosts.
I can deploy a single computer with no problemThis is a new VM for FOG 1.3. On Another VM with Fog 1.2 everthing is fine
@Christian I’m unable to replicate.
Can you make sure all hosts have the same image definition within the group?
@Tom-Elliott Yes, i assigned one Image to the whole Group. so i can deplay each single host without Problems. but if i try mutlicast to the Group, Fog Displays:
Theres no image definitions available on any node for the hosts in this group -
@Christian said in Group deploy/multi-cast problem:
•FOG Version: 1.3 RC19
•OS: Fedora 24 ServerWhat is the output of these commands?
getenforce systemctl status firewalld -l command -v udp-sender
Also, Tom is on the right track. It has to do with the image being assigned a proper storage group, and that storage group’s node being a master node of its group.
@Wayne-Workman i am sorry, i was wrong. Thank you ! In the image-menu there is a new option called “replicate”.
i marked this option and now my problem ist solved! Thank you very much for your quickly response. -
fix after update
thanks a lot !!