such file or directory
and yes. the IP address is …133
@pencils well indeed default.ipxe is missing, why? All of the other stuff appears to be there? This is very strange.
@george1421 while I don’t recommend this, because that file missing tells me something else is going on here that we are not aware of and that is a concern. You could recreate that file. Its just a text file with the permissions of 755.
#!ipxe cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386 params param mac0 ${net0/mac} param arch ${arch} param platform ${platform} param product ${product} param manufacturer ${product} param ipxever ${version} param filename ${filename} isset ${net1/mac} && param mac1 ${net1/mac} || goto bootme isset ${net2/mac} && param mac2 ${net2/mac} || goto bootme :bootme chain
is the path relative. I guess i have to put the file in the folder /tftboot. But on the pxe screen its looking for the file in /IPSERVER/filename?
@pencils yes it is relative. The tftp files are downloaded from /tftpboot that is the root of the tftp path.
Finally got it to work!!
Cant wait to use it with gusto!
It blows my mind how default.ipxe would just be missing. Perhaps we need more validation in the installer?
@Wayne-Workman Nope. Validation wasn’t the issue. Something else was edited which broke it. I’m nearly certain of it.
@Tom-Elliott I had edited one conf file. But at the very start from the initial install the DIR structure wasnt correct. EG the TFTPROOT/TFTPBOOT didnt exist where is should have been?
Nothing was changed at the point of install. And i re-installed Ubuntu 16.04 and FOG 1.3 several times with the same results.
@pencils Get a new copy of Ubuntu, because something is wrong with yours.