Unsure if these settings in FOG are correct
@george1421 hi both. Its weired. All the file paths which you guys have said hadnt existed in the place you suggested. Basically, i installed a brand new copy of ubuntu and installed 1.3 RC using the instructions on the Wiki. It failed to work. I thought it was a DHCP issue as we have a a switch that performs that function. So, i researched DNSmasq. I installed that with the instructions again from the wiki.
Nothing has really changed. I just cant get the TFTP to work. So im looking for any diagnostic tools which may be able to help.
Tom, the other weired thing is that installing a brand new copy of Ubuntu and then installing FOG 1.3 didnt create that folder at the root of the drive?? so i copied it from another location…to the root. When i use root, im talking in windows terminology where “root” means at the root of the
drive…or any other drive. But it will be the a folder at the top level…if that makes sense.
This is a picture of a brand new install of ubuntu and FOG with nothing done to it.
I’m still of the opinion that the install is botched and possibly you need to run the installer again. Make sure (since you are using ubuntu) that you change the downloaded package’s /bin dir and run
sudo ./installfog.sh
using the su command. You also need to ensure that your FOG server has direct internet access. If you have a proxy server between FOG and the internet you will have to make a few changes for that. But directories not being where they should is a solid indication that the installer failed to work properly. But again that is only my opinion here. You may be able to back into a working system, but the question is how much time will and effort it take? -
@pencils If debugging tools or process is needed. Then this is how I would go about it.
- From a windows computer with the tftp client installed, attempt to grab undionly.kpxe from your fog server if you can do that then move on to step 2
- Since you are using dnsmasq to supplement your dhcp server settings ensure you FOG (dnsmasq) server, booting target computer, and preferrably your dhcp server are all on the same subnet (for this test). Install tcpdump on your fog server. Key in the following command
sudo tcpdump -w output.pcap port 67 or port 68 or port 69 or port 4011
This will tell tcpdump to only caputer dhcp, tftp, and dhcpProxy traffic and record it in output.pcap. Now pxe boot your target computer until you get the error. Once that is done review the pcap file with wireshark. If you can’t see anything wrong then upload the pcap to this thread and we will take a look at it. The pcap will tell us the truth of what is actually going on the wire. (just to be clear, I’m not saying you are not telling the truth, its just we need to see exactly what is going on with the communications)
@pencils said in Unsure if these settings in FOG are correct:
Initially i didnt have a folder at the root called /tftproot. So i manually copied it over.
Why are you manually doing these things? Why can you not run the installer completely? Why is your setup so unusual? Is this a fresh OS or pre existing? What else have you installed on this server?
@george1421 hi george, i have run the packet analyser. Im no expert but after Line 16 where the client is asking for the file…it seems that there is no server defined and no file defined. I have uploaded the file. If you can point to what i might need to change?
I cant seems to upload the file. The website is saying i dont have sufficient rights…?
@pencils Is it possible to upload the file to a google doc and post the link here. We really need to see where the file name is missing.
Since you are using dnsmasq this should be sending the file name. I looked back through this thread and I did not see if you posted the dnsmasq config file. Would you post that here in a code block too?
thats the pcap file.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6FTHDLVGsEheXU1dHBYVHBxTDg/view?usp=sharing
Thats the conf file.Updated links.
@george1421 hi george, were you able to access the above links OK? any ideas?
@pencils I attempted but they wanted me to provide my google login to access them. You should make the public read only for a short time. I will not provide my credentials to look at them.
@george1421 sorry george. The links are now updated with full rights.
Google Drive is saying it’s not available at the moment?!??!?!
@Sebastian-Roth i just clicked it and worked for me?? this is frsutrating!!
@pencils Worked loading in a different browser… my issue.
The PCAP dump looks pretty good! DHCP is fine and I see the client requesting a file via TFTP. The filename is
!! Did you copy that file as Tom suggested?sudo cp /tftproot/undionly.kpxe /tftproot/undionly.0
@Sebastian-Roth I agree, after looking at a dhcp booting process all weekend I can read the pcap like code from the matrix.
The requesting system is in BIOS mode so undionly is the proper boot kernel for it. I see the target requested the file size for undionly.0 from the tftp server at with no second response from the fog server or no request for undionly.0 to be downloaded from the tftp server. This tells me the tftp server responded with “file not found” for undionly.0.