Registering Clients Same MAC Shows Up
Cross-linking threads with same problem, and moved to bugs.
@UWPVIOLATOR Can you run these SQL queries in MySQL please, and give us the results?
mysql -D fog SELECT `hostID`, `hostName` FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostID` = '0'; SELECT * FROM `hostMAC` WHERE hmID = '0' OR `hmHostID` = '0'; SELECT * FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `gmID` = '0' OR `gmHostID` = '0' OR `gmGroupID` = '0'; SELECT * FROM `snapinGroupAssoc` WHERE `sgaID` = '0' OR `sgaSnapinID` = '0' OR `sgaStorageGroupID` = '0'; SELECT * from `snapinAssoc` WHERE `saID` = '0' OR `saHostID` = '0' OR `saSnapinID` = '0'; quit
Query one and four returned nothing. Here are the other three. -
@ablohowiak So what needs done is these with IDs of 0 need deleted. Three hosts were listed as pending with an ID of zero, one without a MAC. I would expect these three hosts to re-report in after being deleted, and you can then approve them. To delete all these, just change it from a select into a delete. Like below.
Feel free to do a DB backup prior via
Web Interface -> FOG Configuration -> Configuration Save -> Export
or via CLI asmysqldump fog > /root/dbBackup.sql
mysql -D fog DELETE FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostID` = '0'; DELETE FROM `hostMAC` WHERE hmID = '0' OR `hmHostID` = '0'; DELETE FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `gmID` = '0' OR `gmHostID` = '0' OR `gmGroupID` = '0'; DELETE FROM `snapinGroupAssoc` WHERE `sgaID` = '0' OR `sgaSnapinID` = '0' OR `sgaStorageGroupID` = '0'; DELETE from `snapinAssoc` WHERE `saID` = '0' OR `saHostID` = '0' OR `saSnapinID` = '0'; quit
Pretty sure this issue already has been addressed for RC 11. I want to push it out as soon as possible, just trying to get things worked out a little bit.
Ran successfully. I was able to delete a device then re add it. I won’t be able to test the 2 I had issues with until next week but this looks promising for now.
@UWPVIOLATOR What ran successfully?
@Tom-Elliott He was talking about the sql commands.
@Wayne-Workman Yes the SQL commands is what I was referring to.
Had to run the delete commands one more time after moving to RC11. It’s been okay since then other than needing to reset the encryption data.