Adding NAS (NFS) - storage to FOG
Hi there ch3i,
thanks for your answer.
that was the first thing i tried. I added a user ‘fog’ with the same password on the QNAP.
Then i added a storage node. But it failed. (See pictures)LINK FOR BETTER IMAGE
@boeleke FTP and NFS path or the sames on your NAS ?
hi there!
I’m not sure , i’m not that familiar with all the NAS-settings.
I can acces my NAS on windows with :& i use the same path for my nfs , isn’t it?
Sorry , i’m just a beginner :).
@boeleke For QNAP the NFS path seem to be :
but for the ftp access it’s/your_nfs_share
. In FOG trunk ( you can differentiate NFS and FTP path. In your version FTP and NFS path must be the same ! -
hi there.
Thank you for the help. I’m working in a school environment & we can’t work with unstable releases.
If we want to use it every week , it need to be stable.
Is there not another option?Thanks for the help!
@boeleke I’m working in a School and use Trunk version
Trunk versions of FOG are “stable”.
@ch3i I too am a systems admin at a school, and I’ve been using FOG Trunk for over a year now. It’s much more stable than it used to be. Others here in the corporate world also use FOG Trunk.
I would recommend that you setup FOG Trunk on a VM though, and take snapshots before each update - just so you have a safety net.
@Wayne-Workman & @ch3i ,
Hi there guys,
you both convinced me to do this. So i upgraded to Fog Trunk (i can Revert anyway with a snapshot).
But now i need your guys help to add this storage node. You got a lot more settings :
I’m not sure if its correct now. I mean , the snapin path – must that be a map on the QNAP also?When i use this settings , i get next mistake
while upgrading trunk , he said : (Setting up and starting VSFTP server : Failed! )
Can you guys help me further?
Sorry for my bad english.
Tom -
@boeleke Hi, it’s normal, because your NAS is not a “FOG Storage Node”. A real FOG Storage Node is an installation of FOG on another server with “Node Installation”. You NAS have not the FOG installation. It’s not a problem to upload/download.
Tip : If you use multicast your NAS storage node can’t be the master of the group storage.@Tom-Elliott It’s possible to check if the hw.php is present and display a message to indicate that it’s not a normal node ?
Hi Ch3i,
eumh wait. With Multicast you mean , imaging more computer at once? So for example 100 computer with 1 image?
So i need to make a new storage GROUP and link the image with this group?
But how can i image more computers at once then? Just not set it as master node?I’ll try an upload in a couple of minutes then.
@ch3i :
i tried to upload an image now.
But still , i get an error:
Could not mount images folder (/bin/fog.upload)
Args Passed. -
I didn’t test it. But I would say, mount it via linux (ssh into the fog server) and make sure it got the right permissions.
Thats Re-Exporting , that is not working.
I hope ch3i or Wayne workman can help me. Maybe with teamViewer,
i don’t get this done. -
I teamviewed with @ch3i & he did it!
New password , more rights on the QNAP & better settings for the node.Thank you verry mutch guys! For the patience ;)!
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