No Log Files r4914 Version: 6517
Understand but nothing has changed on my end -
@Raymond-Bell said:
Understand but nothing has changed on my endBut clearly you’ve updated. A lot has changed in the code base, that’s what I’m referring to. I’m not saying you caused this.
@Wayne-Workman Is there a way to go back down to like r4900 ?
@Raymond-Bell Fog doesn’t support downgrading, sorry.
Sometimes when there are just a handful of revisions between what you have and what you want to go back to, you can sometimes get away with pulling down an old version and installing it - but your talking about going back almost 2,000 revisions. I’m afraid that wouldn’t work at all.
Go through the “Credentials/passwords” section in this article, and set all those fields/passwords to a uniform password and see if this fixes your issue:
@Wayne-Workman Al passwords match on fog server and nodes
Could it be updates that where applied to the nodes when i done the svn update?
Because i noticed there where some packages that updated. And i think they where security updates.
Ubuntu 12.04
@Raymond-Bell I’ve just updated to 6519 - logs work for me, FTP Image size works, and image deployment works in the web ui.
Can you update?
@Wayne-Workman Update and same issue.
I am stumped
All of this is the same on all
There are a few places where all the credentials (on a standard install) should match exactly.
Web Interface -> Storage Management -> Your storage node -> Management Username & Management Password Web Interface -> FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> TFTP Server -> FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME & FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD The local 'fog' user's password on the Linux FOG server /opt/fog/.fogsettings -> storageftpuser & storageftppass (For recent FOG Trunk versions only. 1.2.0 does not have this setting. 1.3.0 will though.) /opt/fog/.fogsettings -> password (For recent FOG Trunk versions only. 1.2.0 does not have this setting. 1.3.0 will though.)
@Wayne-Workman Also i am able to upload a image but not able to deploy it
@Raymond-Bell does the password you ensured match on the GUI match the nodes local fog user password?
Upload is uploading but not able to move the file to the proper folder. This is likely why deploy isn’t working, because the image actually doesn’t exist where needed.
@Tom-Elliott Yes all passwords match.
And the images are uploading to the correct folders. But they are not replicating -
@Raymond-Bell said:
But they are not replicating
Have you went through these steps on your storage nodes? Ensured the “fogstorage” mysql user is being used during the installation? Ensuring the correct FTP management password is being used in “Storage Management” ?
These are just guesses.
I’d try to manually edit the
file on the storage nodes and set the password to something uniform, and then manually setting the fog user’s password on the remote storage nodes withpasswd fog
I’d then ensure the password I just set is what’s set in the “Storage Management” area for that node.
I’ll update at home and see if replication works or not with no changes besides updating.
@Wayne-Workman Yes o have went through everything and made default username and pass
same as login on all. has been that way since .32 -
@Raymond-Bell while I realize you can’t see the logs on the GUI, the master nodes logs should contain relevant information. Can you tail the log from a shell and paste the contents here?
There should be a log file for each node the server is replicating too.
The logs are located on the server in /opt/fog/log
The main service log should be named fogreplicator.log.
The nodes transfer logs should be in the format fogreplicator.log.transfer.<nodename>.log.
@Tom-Elliott Thats funny the log folder is empty on the storage nodes. And i know they where there about 8 r back
@Tom-Elliott Do you think i should do a first install on both storage nodes? with
sudo mv /opt/fog/.fogsettings /opt/fog/fogsettings-firstInstall -
@Raymond-Bell what about the service master log?
tail -100f /opt/fog/log/servicemaster.log
Does it continue to loop?
Can you restart the FOGImageReplicator service?
I’m only guessing but Ubuntu 12.04 is quite old, is this the OS on the nodes?
What’s the php version you’re running?
php -v
fog@FogNode3-K2:~$ tail -100f /opt/fog/log/servicemaster.log
tail: cannot open `/opt/fog/log/servicemaster.log’ for reading: No such file or directory
ON BOTH NODESRestarted FOGImageReplicator service
Yes 12.04 (should i upgrade them to the latest? )
fog@JH-fog-storage:~$ php -v
PHP (cli)
Copyright1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright1998-2016 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, Copyright1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
All of these steps should be from the master node not the other nodes as well.
@Tom-Elliott said:
All of these steps should be from the master node not the other nodes as well.
I ran on both the Master and the other node same results
@Raymond-Bell is there any errors in the Apache error logs?
This should be at /var/log/apache2/error.log
Maybe there’s something showing a bunch of errors.
I have another theory I can try but it will be tomorrow as I can’t use my computer right now.