Unable to register and inventory new Dell PCs
@Wayne-Workman Logging in to ftp://<IP> works fine, I can read and write. Do I need to test at the specific image directory?
@mattyb It wouldn’t hurt.
Anything in the apache error logs?
FOG Configuration -> Log Viewer -> Apache Error Log
@Wayne-Workman Interesting. Navigating to fog Configuration / Log Viewer straight away says there’s an error with the Fog “ftp_login(): Login incorrect.”
In my Fog Configuration / TFTP Server, the username and password are correct, as are the fog config files on the server.
@mattyb The error should show you what it tried for the username and password. navigate back to the log viewer and pay attention to the error.
@Wayne-Workman There’s nothing to expand. Below the pause button it says ‘invalid folder’ and nothing else.
I think my issue is in Storage Node / DefaultMember / Management Password. I updated that to match all other configs and now I get actual log choices. Trying to upload now.
That was it. Same headache as this OP: Point #3. Registering and uploading!
@mattyb said:
That was it. Same headache as this OP: Point #3. Registering and uploading!
Just going to point out that those steps from that post are also in the Wiki article you said you went through
Glad you got it working.
@Wayne-Workman Agreed, but what’s not clear is that the default password in this field is not actually my password, encrypted. The management password needs to be in this field in clear text. The same applies to other config sections on the management web interface. I should have just tried it earlier.
@mattyb It is clear text, FOG generates a 32 character long pseudorandom password for this.
@Wayne-Workman not pseudorandom it’s completely random
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Wayne-Workman not pseudorandom it’s completely random
No such thing in the computer world.
@Wayne-Workman don’t lie, there most certainly is completely random in the computer world.
@Tom-Elliott You are fired.