.mntcheck file not being created.
I just installed svn 4405 cloud 5469 on Fedora 23 Server - minimal install.
The issue is that
subroutine has both the code for creating/images/.mntcheck
both under the same if statement that checks if/images
exists or not.And, because I had created a mount point called
during the OS installation (to give images their own partition), the if statement sees it exists, then doesn’t create /images/.mntcheck.Here’s what I did to fix it. It’s quite easy when I have example syntax right in front of me
configureStorage() { dots "Setting up storage"; if [ ! -d "$storage" ]; then mkdir "$storage" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod -R 777 "$storage" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! -d "$storage/.mntcheck" ]; then touch "$storage/.mntcheck" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod -R 777 "$storage" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi
@Wayne-Workman You can execute
chmod -R 777 "$storage" >/dev/null 2>&1
outside the IFs after them, one ligne of code saved lol -
I, too, am using the selinux policy from jbob and noticed a strange problem, though it’s most likely related to my centos being 6.7 vs his setup which is focused at centos 7. My database would not be contacted if selinux was set to enforcing, changing to permissive fixed the connection problem I was seeing. I’m wondering, now, if this same problem is preventing the creation of the .mntcheck files. If it were the case of .mntcheck not being created wouldn’t there be a problem with imaging for everybody who installs fresh?
Rereading a bit, it would make sense that the .mntcheck files aren’t being created if /images exists. This is for good reason. Most will know to create the .mntcheck. I will look into adding this to the inits as it would make greater sense.
It is my experience as well, the .mntcheck filea are not created. I did a fresh install on CentOS 6.7 a couple of weeks ago. My images are stored in /home/images
I spent some time figure out why an upload did not work. The .mnt files where not created during the install. I had to install them manually.
@ch3i It’s probably wise to only change permissions if the directory / file was just created. Otherwise custom setups will get their permissions changed to 777 every time they run the installer.
I’ve added this to the installer, so that it will check if the .mntcheck files are present and create them if necessary. For future reference, -d in bash speak means to test if the directory exists, -f would be the proper argument to test if a file is present.
@Tom-Elliott said:
For future reference, -d in bash speak means to test if the directory exists, -f would be the proper argument to test if a file is present.
That makes a lot of sense. Prob would explain the error I kept having…