When image pushed out by fog to client image blank screen flashing cursor
Most likely, there is no MBR. Most likely, the upgrade changed the HDD from MBR to GPT. And if I remember correctly, 1.2.0 does not take a copy of the MBR… which could present challenges for a system that doesn’t use MBR.
Are you sure you’re using 1.2.0 because that is really, really difficult to get working on Fedora 21. Look in the Web GUI, in the top left. There will be a version number written in the little FOG cloud.
Also - you’re image type in 1.2.0 ought to be set to Win7 for windows 10.
There is actually a “windows 10” OS type in FOG Trunk and although the @Developers claim that 1.2.0 can image Windows 10, I would suspect that FOG Trunk can image Windows 10 better… just saying…
What guide did you follow to install it?
Also - if you really are using 1.2.0, you might try FOG Trunk? https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunk
about the MBR thing - I use FOG Trunk in my home and in production at work. Here is a snapshot of an image that uses MBR to just show what I’m talking about…
I’ve done cloning of Win10 (setting: Windows 7) with FOG 1.2.0 without issues. But we always use “Multiple partitions - single disk”. From what I can see in the screenshot I think you use “Single Disk - resizable”. Do you have machines with different sized hard drives in them?
Do you want to go with Win7 or Win10? Not sure about that from your post…
Hi Uncle Frank
We’ve upgraded from Win7 to Win10, the drives are the same size 500GB. The only issue I was unsure about was whether to use multiple partitions. I just stuck with single. I’m starting to wonder whether I should have used multiple partitions. I will give this a go on Monday.
I’m going to go on a limb and say nothing is wrong with the image at all. 1.2 has some issues but the primary one with it is it makes many assumptions about the layout of the disk. Was the original image before you put Windows 10 on it this system from an image of an older version of fog? For instance Windows 7 pushed to the machine from a version of fog like 0.32? The issue you’re most likely seeing is the start sector of what 1.2 believes is the point your Hdd needs is not at the point it originally started on. There it was never uploaded or deployed properly to begin with. I don’t have a simple answer to give on how to correct for this, but it is these reasons why using the non resizable image types works. Those non resize images upload after getting a copy of the original partition table layout.
Hi Wayne
Yes I am using 1.2.0 of fog.
The technican suggested I use fedora 21, I know when I originally used Fedora 22 it complained about mysql db so we used F21.
I followed this guide provided by the technician https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Configuration_on_Fedora_Workstation#Installing_Fedora_21. However I noticed the SVN information was omitted from the guide.
I did the same setup in virtualbox and it worked ok with F21.
I noticed you have had the d1.mbr and along with d1p2.img and d1p1.img which is missing from my images folder. I will give the trunk ago.
Wayne deleting the d1.mbr I guess this can mess your system up?
Hi Tom
I’ve only been using 1.2.0 never used 0.32. Infact I’ve only been using fog for about two months :). -
@hlcstudy said:
Hi Wayne
Yes I am using 1.2.0 of fog.
The technican suggested I use fedora 21, I know when I originally used Fedora 22 it complained about mysql db so we used F21.
I followed this guide provided by the technician https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Configuration_on_Fedora_Workstation#Installing_Fedora_21. However I noticed the SVN information was omitted from the guide.
I did the same setup in virtualbox and it worked ok with F21.
I noticed you have had the d1.mbr and along with d1p2.img and d1p1.img which is missing from my images folder. I will give the trunk ago.
Wayne deleting the d1.mbr I guess this can mess your system up?
A technician suggested following that guide?
That’s great!
I would have suggested this one: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Fedora_21_Server
Either are good - but the one for Server is CLI only, it’s much more cleanly written as well.The only reason I have d1.mbr and d1p2 and d1p1 is because I’m using FOG Trunk and that was a resizable image of Win7.
When you upgrade to Trunk, you’ll need to re-upload.
Hi Wayne I’m started to hit some minor issues. As I said previously I using Fedora 21, with Fog 1.2.0 here is a screenshot.I used the FOG Trunk as suggested https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunk that was a new experience
for me. All installed well looking good and resolved other issues which I was pleased about here is the current version using the trunk.
I setup the image to be uploaded to the server here is the setupI run the task and get the following error and this is where I am stuck.
I ran the same setup in my Vmware and got the same results which is a shame. Hopefully you can shed some light on it.
@hlcstudy For the kernel panic error, the first thing to try is to re-run the installer.
Please use this command to execute the installer this time:
./installfog.sh -y
No, you don’t need to use svn or update to a newer revision, you simply need to go to your fog trunk directory and re-use the installer you already have. Hopefully you know exactly where you put the files. If you don’t you can search for the installer like this, it’ll tell you all instances of where it is.
find / | grep installfog.sh
The older installers will show up too, don’t use those. You need to use the same trunk version as you did the other day. Change to the right directory with the
command. you can go ‘back’ a directory usingcd ..
I’m asking you to reinstall because I think that either the kernel/init downloads didn’t occur or did not finish. In current FOG Trunk, these don’t come with the repository clone, they are downloaded at each installation to ensure people have the absolute latest fixes that have been made.
Hi Wayne we have success I ran the command ./installfog.sh -y, I uploaded the image then deployed all working, imaged three so far thank you.I checked my directory as it looks much similair to the one you showed me the other day.
I presume if I need to delete files not to delete the d1.mbr?
I noticed I am running low on space so I will need to make a larger images folder I’ve seen the info on the wiki, any issues I will come back to you.
Thanks once again.
Hlcstudy -
@hlcstudy I’d say - dont delete any of the images manually.
The web interface can delete files via FTP for you. You have to click on the actual image you want to delete first. then on the left in it’s menu, at the bottom, you’ll see “Delete”. You also have to check a checkbox to confirm you want to delete the image AND it’s data.